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Earth Kills (3,1)

As expected, Anya had offered Tyra as many accommodations as she wished. All the way from a decent roof over her head to sleep under, to the necessary provisions she'd need during her stay.

But, even with the very best Trikru could offer, sleep did not come easy to Tyra, the ghosts of her past still too recent haunting her surrounding ground.

Tyra awoke with a start just past dawn, having only slept what she'd guess was something along four hours, possibly less.

Just by closing her eyes against the moist ground and smelling the fresh scent of morning dew. Tyra could already hear Lexa's parents' screams, and consequently see the body of her dead mother falling at her feet, her lifeless eyes staring straight past her ankles.

Tyra didn't bother with attempting to gain more sleep, she had survived months with less than four hours. And even if she had attempted such a feat, Tyra already knew she'd not be able to find peace in her dreamland while being present at Trikru without Lexa for company to soothe her worries.

Instead, Tyra with some extra provisions packed, decided to scout the surrounding area to the sky people's camp. She wanted to get a better idea of their weaponry and defence.

Had they already set up traps surrounding their sleeping spaces? Did they carry swords? Spears? Bows? All of the above? Or some new weapons that Tyra could only dream of?

And with her being born and raised in Trikru land herself, there was no better scout to investigate the questions that plagued Tyra's mind, and no doubt Lexa's as well.

Tyra spent all morning stumbling around the forest, finding no previous sign of the sky people if it were not for the occasional chipped tree.

If it had been Tyra, those indents in the trees would've been caused by her practising her aim and throwing range. But there was no way to know if the sky people thought the same as she had, so Tyra simply moved on to the next section.

Just before she had completed a whole circle around the perimeter of the sky people's camp, Tyra heard the sound no clan member ever wanted to hear.

She heard the foghorn out in the distance.

The foghorn's function was pretty self-explanatory, it warned the nearby that the acid fog released by their mortal enemies named the Mountain Men had been set off.

And if you didn't find shelter, you'd shrivel up in blisters and pus, your skin melting off your bones and your lungs burning to a crisp.

It was a slow and gruesome death Tyra didn't wish upon her worst enemies.

Almost every scavenger or scout carried a foghorn on themselves, even Tyra carried one just in case. And they all knew the rules, never sound the horn unless it was imperative.

And just by the beginning shades of yellow beginning to peak from the treetops and the fleeing birds, Tyra was positive that foghorn was no joke.

In a spurt of luck, Tyra had found a cave hidden amongst rocks, deep enough so the fog could not reach her. And judging by the lack of prints at the entrance, it was also not inhabited by any animals that would wish to kick her out.

Tyra deemed it as a safe enough hiding spot and ran in, leaning against a rock column to regain her breath while the fog rolled past her.

"Bellamy!" The scream was so sudden and unprecedented that it made Tyra swish her head to the side.

The voice was close, but, judging by the agony hidden behind the tone. The fog had already caught up to the owner.

They'd be dead in a few hours.

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