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Twlight's Last Gleaming (5,1)

Lexa had been terribly pleased by Tyra's constant reports, with those she managed to calm most of the clans' worries, and even her own that Tyra was in danger. But seeing as she had mentioned nothing dangerous yet, Lexa would not worry much.

Although, Lexa would never be completely calm because she was nearly positive that if Tyra found some danger, she would not mention it until she was on the brink of death.

It was the danger of having such a dedicated to her duties sister.

Tyra was having another sleepless night, this time credited to the ghost of Loukas. She never saw the body of her closest sibling, only the warriors had come back from a hunt after the fog by the Mountain Men had been released, claiming that his body was too mangled for them to carry or see.

Tyra never got the closure for her closest brother's loss, and even twelve years later, she still didn't lose his chasing ghost.

But, thanks to her not sleeping and instead passing the time by sharpening her sword with a rock from the creek. Tyra managed to spot the second fiery mass in her lifetime, it still coming down from the sky.

While yells for Bellamy and cheers of joy began to resound around the camp for the falling mass, Tyra quickly packed her belongings up.

That mass could be seen all the way towards Polis, and she could already hear in the back of her mind all of Anya's complaints and desires to attack the sky people. Especially if that mass carried reinforcements.

While Tyra had begun to climb down as quickly as she could without alerting any of the sky people, she spotted something unusual. Bellamy walking out of camp.

While that wasn't exactly odd, after all, he had sneaked out to chat with Tyra more than once, but then he would've stopped at one of the trees to plant the arrow in, but instead he walked right past, his hand resting over his hatchet just in case.

Tyra wasn't Bellamy's guardian or lover for her to worry about where he was headed or what his actions went to. So, instead, Tyra merely dropped silently and ran back to Trikru, trying to come up with some excuse for Anya to not go bloodthirsty on the sky people.


Tyra reached the Trikru village by morning, and the entire town was in a furor. The warriors were already arming themselves with spears, bows and swords, training in the middle of the square.

Just as a young warrior landed at Tyra's feet, she yanked him up by the collar of his jacket by the back of his neck, making sure to keep their faces levelled while he rose.

"Anya, where is she?" The warrior nodded towards a tent brought up by the square, the war tent.

Tyra released her hold on the warrior, making him drop to the ground once more, before she stomped past him towards the tent, smoke practically spilling out of her ears.

Clans couldn't explicitly declare war on anyone or anything if they didn't have the commander's permission, the only exception being if they were going against the Commander themselves, but Tyra doubted that was Anya's intention.

Either way, Anya had practically already declared war, judging by all the weapons being passed around and the people gathering to fight. And Tyra was positive Lexa hadn't sent word to declare war just yet, she had told Tyra herself that war was not her intention.

Even with the new information provided of more sky people being sent to the ground, Tyra knew Lexa would still not have agreed to war. She'd not only first wait for Tyra's opinion, as she usually did, there was also the matter that even with their fastest rider, word could not reach Polis for at least a day.

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