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I Am Become Death (10,2)

"Tyra! Are you here?" Tyra awoke to the sound of her name being called, her first night where her family had not decided to plague her sleep interrupted by none other than a Blake.

"Tyra!... God, I swear if Lincoln was wrong about this life debt thing... Tyra!" The woman in question hopped down from the tree she was perched in, falling down the distinctive height with a swoosh of her coat.

Anya already knew of her willing surrender against the sky people, she did not need them to know Tyra at once point had held an alliance with them.

"You Blakes do not seem to understand the danger of yelling my name at the top of your lungs." Octavia stopped looking atop the trees to turn on her heel and look directly at Tyra behind her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how else to get your attention." Tyra noticed how Octavia's hands were covered in dried blood along with the bottom of her shirt, she hoped it was not Trikru blood.

"I am here now, what is it you need?" Octavia gulped, tugging at the roots of her hair while she looked around to see if anyone was watching.

She was much more careful than Bellamy, Tyra couldn't help but notice. Her eyes constantly searching around for the next present threat. Tyra had the sneaking suspicion that Lincoln had taken it upon himself to teach Octavia some of his tricks when it came to being a warrior. And Tyra couldn't exactly say his teachings were wasted.

"There's a disease spreading, they're all bleeding everywhere, and they keep getting sicker and sicker," Tyra stepped forward to try to interrupt Octavia, but she kept going.

"I know they sent it to thin the numbers. But I'm one of the only ones that are immune, and I can't take care of them all alone."

Tyra took another step forward, meeting Octavia's eyes head on, the desperation clear in her gaze. "I would be careful with what you ask of me now, Octavia. I owe you one favour for freeing me and Lincoln, but it had not yet turned into a life debt for you to waste this favour."

Octavia hardened her gaze, squaring her shoulders to look up confidently at Tyra. It wasn't even faked, Octavia really felt confident in Tyra's presence, the Trikru warrior was impressed.

"Lincoln said you're immune, so I need you to help me care for the ones that are sick." Tyra nodded, already stripping herself of her major weapons such as bow, arrows, and sword, to hide them all beneath the thick bushes.

"Consider my debt paid. Where do we start?" Octavia dug in her backpack that she had been carrying and took out a dark blue jacket that would definitely highlight Tyra's orange-red hair.

"Disguising yourself as one of us." Tyra huffed, she wouldn't like being disguised as a sky person just when a battle was brewing with them in the centre.

But she also didn't like owing anyone, Tyra could endure one day. So, she snatched the jacket and the light blue jeans that Octavia had produced from her backpack and hid behind a tree to undress herself.

"You also need to wipe your face." Octavia held out a humid cloth that Tyra took with another huff before wiping her face clean of her warrior makeup.

"The things I do for your girlfriend, Lincoln." Tyra made quick work of the paint, and finally learnt how to close the jacket perfectly before stepping out from her hiding space, feeling like a fish out of water.

Octavia gave her a small smile while she began to dig in her backpack once more for one last detail. Tyra looked different without the makeup, her eyes popped a little less, looking more grey than blue against her pale skin and the shadows of the trees. Her hair did pop out more though, looking like glowing flames covered her head instead of strands of hair.

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