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We Are Grounders Part One (12,1)

Tyra blinked her eyes open, first pushing herself on her forearms before making it to a sitting position against the ground. Her head was pounding painfully to the point where she almost saw the room spinning, but Tyra was used to harsh blows to the head.

She let her hand raise to her head and gently pressed against her scalp, immediately wincing as she brought her hand back to her vision, her fingers coated a midnight black.

The iron smell of blood also reached her nose, too much blood for it to be her own. But once her eyesight steadied, she saw who the culprit was. Caliban, his throat slit open. Clarke's doing, judging by the steady line across his neck while his soulless eyes stared right past her head.

Tyra crawled to him and gently slid the tips of her fingers across his eyelids, successfully closing Caliban's eyes for the last time. "Your fight is over."

"Tyra?" She heard rushed footsteps from across the tunnels and immediately panicked. Tyra couldn't let Anya, or anyone for that matter, see her blackened hair that was hard to hide against her natural hair.

Tyra rushed to the fireplace that had not been used for a long while and grabbed a fistful of ash, quickly covering the bottom half of her hair in soot, so her blood would blend in. After all, she didn't have enough time to throughly clean it.

"She's gone!" Anya stopped in her tracks as she entered the room once more, a knife prominently ready to attack in her hand.

She stopped over Caliban's body, Tyra having had enough time to sit beside him as if she had spent the entire time since she woke up with her face covered in dirt checking his state.

"Tyra, can you sneak back inside the sky people's camp?" Tyra nodded determinedly, desperately hoping Anya would rush the conversation so she could go wash the crusty dried blood trailing all the way across to her collarbone and chest. She was simply lucky that her coat covered most of her body; otherwise the blood would be terribly visible.

"I can try." Anya tucked her knife back in her sleeve, tearing her eyes away from Caliban's lifeless body.

"Go. Find Clarke and kill her. We'll check the forest." Tyra didn't like taking orders from anyone, much less Anya, but she would've ended up doing those exact actions anyway, so Tyra saw no point in arguing and only rushed out of the cave to the sky people's camp.

It was better for Anya to believe she was as revenge filled as she was instead of knowing the true intention as to why she rushed away.


Tyra made a stop at the river near the camp before she thought about infiltrating it for a rushed washing. She quickly stripped of her clothes before jumping in to wash herself clean of both her blood and face paint. She made sure to make a quick job of it due to the creatures that liked lurking in the shadows.

First, Tyra made sure that her hair was clean of any residues of both soot and blood, leaving her hair a near brown rather than her usual orange-red.

Then, she scrubbed her face clean until it was tinted a shade of pink and the water surrounding her was an oily black, almost as if the only colour Tyra could attract was black.

Once she was clean, Tyra kept onwards on her path to reach the sky camp, stopping right at the bottom of her usual tree to hide her weapons and switch to the sky people attire she had worn last time she had sneaked in with Octavia's help.

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