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Murphy's Law (4,2)

Tyra had not heard a single sign of life since before sundown had happened. All the rowdy cheers and protests from the sky people about the hanging before and Charlotte's confession had washed out into a silent forest.

She had begun to miss the sky people's rowdy selves. She even missed the stumbling partners escaping the safe haven of the camp to make love out in the open of the trees, and that was something Tyra didn't particularly enjoy witnessing.

But without the noise, Tyra could only hear the crickets singing below. Her eldest brother, Hadyn, used to tell her the tale that the crickets sang her their song, so she'd go to sleep peacefully and ward the nightmares off.

Tyra only discovered it was indeed just a tale orchestrated by a brother who wanted to keep his younger sister safe when she tried sleeping after her mother's death all alone.

The cricket's song did nothing to ward off her mother's dead eyes in her mind.

"Tyra!" The woman in question jumped in her seat atop the branch, her eyes narrowing as she tried to pinpoint the location of the voice calling her name.

"Tyra!" The voice was closer, and therefore more recognizable. It was Bellamy's voice, a panicked Bellamy at that.

"Tyra!" She seriously believed that Bellamy was trying to get them both killed by screaming her name at the top of his lungs near to both camps.

Hers wasn't an unknown name, nor was his voice unrecognizable. And if Trikru, or more specifically Anya, knew she had let the leader of the sky people live when she had the chance to rid them of someone to follow and let them delve into chaos, Tyra would never hear the end of it.

"Tyra!" With no other choice but to respond to Bellamy's call, she jumped off the short distance from the tree, landing gracefully on her feet with a barely audible thud behind Bellamy's broad form.

"Ty-" She sneaked her palm behind his head, grasping tightly onto his cheek while her palm covered his mouth.

"Are you trying to get us both killed, Bellamy?" Tyra freed Bellamy from her hold, allowing him to turn around to face her.

He had a small jagged cut near his eyebrow. It was nothing caused by a blade, Tyra noticed, it would have been deeper if that was the case. It was most likely caused by some blunt force trauma that had barely broken the skin. The wound would heal in mere days.

"I need your help. Murphy is trying to kill Charlotte." Tyra swished her head to the side, mentally trying to connect the dots to whom the Murphy person was. Though, she did have a certain idea.

"Murphy? Is he the one you hung?" Bellamy's eyes widened, his dark pupil mixing perfectly with his natural eye colour.

"You saw that?" Tyra nodded, attempting to keep a careful eye around herself.

She had made a truce with Bellamy back in the cave, and she did not know if that truce still applied outside or if she'd be hung in a similar manner as the Murphy person.

"I'm..," Bellamy seemed to want to say something else but, one look at Tyra, and he let his open mouth shut.

"Not the point. Are you good at tracking?" Tyra did not reply.

Giving away her talents was a big thing to reveal, especially to someone who she had only known properly for a week and who also happened to be the leader of the group she was investigating.

"I need you to find Charlotte, I don't know which way she went." Tyra pointed between two glued trees, some stray clothes from his camp hanging on its lower branches.

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