Part 7.3

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Despite his terrible decision-making skills, Zach knew when he wasn't needed. Once they had arrived in Lover's Lane, the first thing he did was to withdraw himself from them. He made a home amidst the lumps of snow.

For the few days, he settled in a shack not too far from the neighborhood. He would go buying necessities only at night, when there were barely anyone out. And when he did, he would always pass by where Aphmau was staying, and sigh deeply to himself, thinking about nothing and everything in particular.

Recently, though, he had grown an attachment with what was supposed to be the house of both Aphmau and Aaron, a red brick house that was nearly falling apart. For some reason, it was only this house that was badly damaged.

Zach moved to this house and found solace in the map of messes. The fallen, rotting wood, the broken walls, the holes on the floor, the overturned furniture. . .it all was very much his daughter.

The mess was very much like himself.

Though the loneliness would get to him sometimes, he became accustomed to living alone. Even before he was recruited into the group that nearly ended the world, he was forced to go from place to place, after he and Sylvana divorced.

So, it was fine for the first few days. Until, one day, Zianna knocked on the battered front door.

"Zach? I know you're in there," she chirped. 

He refused to answer the door, but she entered anyway. From the soggy couch, he watched her wade through the debris, holding a tray on her hands, all with a smile on her face.

She huffed. "I have some food for you." She raised the tray of bread, cheeses, pastries, and nuts.

He snickered before taking the bowl of nuts. "I'd say take a seat, but I'm afraid there's not much to sit on."

"That's fine. I can always stand."

He stared at her incredulously. Then, he shook his head. "Why are you here? You must be here for something from me, if you came all this way."

Finally, her sheer positivity died down. "Yes. . ." she answered meekly. "I've come to ask how are you."

"How are you what?"

"Just that. How are you?"

For a while, there was silence in the dilapidated mansion.

"I'm okay, I guess." He shrugged. "No one's ever asked me that before."

"In all your time as a therapist, you haven't been asked that by anyone else?"

His nostrils flared. "It's because I was a physical therapist. It's different from--How did you know that I was a therapist?"

"Everyone was freaking out once we found out you were Aaron's therapist at Starlight," she mumbled.

"Right." He slapped himself on the head mentally. "Are you sure there's nothing else you're worried about that involves me somehow?"

Her smile faltered a bit. "No. I just. . .I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the company office for a few days. I still have to settle urgent paperwork now that Garte is gone and I thought you might be a little lonely here. . ."

"You just want me to help you find leads in finding him, right?" Zach finished for her.

She was so flustered that the tray she was holding almost fell. "Well, yes, but it's more of the other reasons. Just think about it, will you?"

He didn't even need to think about it. It was either this abandoned place or a clean workspace. It was quite the easy choice.

"Sure," he finally answered. "I'll go with you. Under one condition."

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