"Let's be weird together"

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After the movie was over, (Y/N) and Michael began to talk about random topics ones again, not noticing how late it already was.

—"I'm not sure what to make for dinner, I want noodles but I'm a bit lazy to cook right now..."— you pause but then you suddenly jump from your seat. —"The time!"—

Michael looks at the girl a bit confused by her sudden mood change, why is she so concerned?

—"Yeah it's a bit late, what about it?"— he innocently asks.

—"I need to take you home, bet Judith is already back. Oh god she is going to kill me."— you nervously run a hand trough your hair.

—"Bet she didn't even notice, she never does."— he carelessly shrugs.

—"And what about your mom?."—

—"She's probably still working, she usually comes back really late..."— he looks away, a bit uncomfortable as if he didn't like to talk about his mother's job. —"She works as a... Exotic dancer, Y'know."—

(Y/N)'s face saddens, poor child is forced to live in such awful environment and deal with the reputation of having a prostitute mother, this is just unfair... The girl then sits again, closer to the little boy and puts her hand on his shoulder.

—"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. How about I take you home and if Judith is there we'll ask her for permission to let you hang out with me after school?"—

—"Huh? R-really?"— his eyes wide, his face showed a mixture of surprise and confusion. —"Are you sure you want to have me around...? No one else does."—

—"Same here, remember?"— you smile at him and gently squeeze his shoulder. —"We both are weirdos, but who cares? We can be weird together!"—

These words made Michael smile ones again, (Y/N)'s eyes expressed nothing but warmth and sincerity, how could he doubt of an adorable face like hers?

—"Now come on, let's take you home."—

They got up from the couch and made their way from the girl's house, but as soon as she opened the door they were startled by a sudden appearance of a blonde woman who looked to be extremely worried and... Judith?

—"See mom?! Michael is fine! I told you that he is most likely hanging out with (Y/N)."— Judith rolls her eyes and crosses her arms in her chest.

—"My god Michael!"— the woman crouches down a bit and holds Michael's shoulders. —"Why are you in this girl's house in the first place?!"—

—"Ronnie was drunk and I didn't want to be with him, (Y/N) was nice enough to invite so I don't stay on the street."— he calmly answer, confused about why his mother was so worried.

—"Oh... Okay okay... But remember, do not EVER go into a stranger's house."— the woman sighs and stands up, now looking at you. —"My apologies for this awful first impression of mine, I'm Deborah, Michael and Judith's mother."—

—"I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm so so sorry for causing this chaos, I swear I didn't intend to concern anyone, I just felt bad leaving Michael all alone in his own."— you look at her apologetically.

—"No, I am the one who should apologize and thank you. Thank you for taking care of my boy, I'm honestly surprised that my daughter's classmate shows more interest in Michael's wellbeing than his actual sister."— Deborah darts a strict look at Judith.

—"Tsk... Don't embarrass me mom."— Judith rolls her eyes again.

—"Again, sorry for Judith's irresponsibility. We won't disturb you anymore, have a good night."— Deborah politely says goodbye and takes Michael by the hand ready to leave your porch.

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