"You're perfect, always been"

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It's quite comforting to know that the Michael she knew years ago is not gone after all, but the way he's projecting his old self it's not the most pleasant, today is going to be a loooooong day, and (Y/N) knows it.

The female crosses her arms on her chest and looks at the tall man, her brows furrowed in annoyance making her look oddly adorable, at least to Michael.

—"I'm not climbing there, not until you step back. I know you'll do that again, you're not all that subtle."— you huff.

And as expected, Michael doesn't answer or move, just tilt his head and stares at her form, blue eyes filled with amusement. Ooh (Y/N) knows that stare.

With a silent sigh and knowing that Michael won't move until she does something about it, she puts her hands on his still bare chest and tries to push him back, but... Eh... Yeah, Michael is built like a truck and (Y/N)'s efforts mean nothing to him.

—"Ugh... Okay now I understand your pain..."— you growl under your breath.

This must look so sad. Years ago, it was common for (Y/N) and Michael to have playful fights, usually they would start out of nowhere or caused by one of them. It was so easy back then, all (Y/N) needed to do is tower over the little 6 y/o boy or hold him in place with a tight bear hug, he would always complain about how unfair it was and that she's too strong.

Michael also remembers these games of theirs, and he is enjoying so much watching (Y/N) struggle, the thirst to get his petty revenge growing each second.

The female then sighs tiredly and presses her forehead against Michael chest in defeat.

—"I give up."—

Michael was internally smirking, he loved the dominance he had over (Y/N), he could win at any fights so easily now, oh how much fun he will have~.

However, deciding to give the female a break, Michael backs away, silently indicating that she's free to reach the items and continue doing breakfast.

(Y/N) gives Michael a side eye, sensing some sort of trick in his actions, even as a kid he rarely gave up so easily.

—"You better don't try anything, or I uh.. I will not share the waffles with you."— you huff.

That was a childish threat, (Y/N) knows it, but...  She's smart enough to realize that making any real and serious threat may anger Michael, and she knows that an angry almost 7ft tall man will be bad for her health.

When the coast is clear and Michael is standing practically in the doorframe, the female climbs into the counter again. Before she could even touch the cinnamon container with her fingers her body is suddenly lifted by strong arms, which where firmly holding her by her hips.

—"M-Michael!?"— you squeak in surprise.

She could swear Michael was actually smirking under his mask. The tall man effortlessly holds her in the air for a couple of seconds before putting her on the floor. Not giving (Y/N) a chance to say anything, he grabs the sugar pack and puts it in the highest shelf again and then simply walks out the kitchen, leaving the female there with an annoyed and surprised expression.

—"{Meanie...}"— you mumble to yourself.

. . .

The breakfast was... Okay. The cooking process went smooth after their little 'fight'. They both ate in different rooms tho, (Y/N) respected Michael's personal space and also wanted to give him privacy, gesture that the tall man secretly appreciated.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now