"Fragile and broken trust"

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The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, the weather was warm... All these factors indicate that today will be a good day, but not for (Y/N) because in a couple of minutes she will have to help Judith's boyfriend, Steven Haley.

(Y/N) couldn't avoid but to have a moody expression, Steven never was the most pleasant person to be around, specially if you are a girl because of all these awful flirty pickup lines that he would say nonstop, or his poor attempts to get physically closer.

That's why (h/c) colored girl decided to dress as less provocative as her closet allowed to. The teen was dressing a long black squirt that went down her knees, black boots, a black sleeveless sweater with a white shirt under. Durning the day Judith made a couple of jokes of how she looks like an old school teacher or a nun but (Y/N) couldn't care less, she would easily dress up as a clown if that helps to keep the creep away.

But Michael seemed to like her outfit, the boy already expressed more than ones that he thinks she looks really cute. All these compliments made the teen feel flared and even lighted up her mood, this little boy truly was a sunshine.

—"And if Steven treats you bad I can always put a dead rat in his backpack when he's not looking."— Michael says with a mischievous grin.

—"Yea-... Wait what? Where do you even get a dead rat?"— you ask whilst arching your brow.

—"My pet rat died last night, it happens time to time and I'm already tired of burying them so I just leave them around people I don't like."— he carelessly shrugs, not showing any remorse or grief.

—"Huh... I'm sorry for your loss."— you awkwardly say, unsure if you should even try to cheer him up. —"We can always go and get you a new one someday after school."— you kindly offer.

—"And we take care of it together?"— he looks at you, curiously tilting his head.

—"Sure! But we actually need at least two. Rats are social creatures and without any company they feel really lonely and can even die of depression."—

—"Oh... Guess that's one of the reasons why my pets die."— he scratches his head thoughtfully.

—"Uh? What do you mean one of the-"—

—"Fucking finally!"—

Before (Y/N) could even finish her sentence, Judith's sudden voice cut the teen off. The blond was waiting in the front gates of the Myers residence, staying next to a male teen with black messy hair, her boyfriend.

—"You two sure took your sweet-ass time."— she grumpily huffs.

—"Damn Mikey, is that your bitch?"— Steven say in a teasing tone, looking at you two with a smirk.

—"Please don't call me like that, thank you."— you politely but also seriously say, pretty uncomfortable with his words.

—"Aww come on, I'm just messin' around. I understand that little Mikey doesn't please you enough, maybe if you hook up with someone older and better maybe the-."—

—"Can you just stop and tell me what homework you need help with?"— you say now in a more strict tone.

—"Alright alright, geez. I see you aren't as shy as everyone say, are you?"—

The teen says nothing, just keeps staring at the male with a strict and slightly disgusted face. Michael notices the girl's gaze and looks at Steven the same way whilst wrapping his arms around her waist possessively.

. . .

After finally making their way to Judith's room, (Y/N) and Steven were sitting in front of the table next to each other... Almost, the girl made it very clear that she didn't want to be near him because one, she respected Judith, and two, the male teen always gave her creeps and bad vibes.

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now