"Hints for a storm"

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Yesterday was a... Day. After that awful experience and a broken friendship with Judith the (h/c) haired girl felt... Bad, practically disappointed with the blond, her boyfriend, but mostly... With herself for even accepting to help. She knew something could go wrong, and yet she still accepted... She still allowed it to happen by not acting faster.

At least Michael was really helpful, despite not being an expert in comforting with words, his presence itself was a huge source comfort and support, not to mention his childish but loving embrace.

Michael was a real friend, her only real friend at that matter.

. . .

The day at school was awful, and I mean AWFUL. The whole day none of (Y/N)'s classmates spoke to her, instead they glared at her with with nothing but disgust, as if she was the most horrible person or a WW2 criminal. She also heard whispers, nasty whispers filled with venomous and malicious tone, you don't need to be a genius to know that whatever they were murmuring it was something bad.

Despite never directly interacting with anyone, the teen still felt insulted, humiliated and isolated from everyone. Why...? Why all of the sudden...? Did Judith spread rumors about her? But Judith never was this kind of person, the blond would much rather to spit everything she wants to the person she despises, but talking behind their back? Never.

Maybe Steven has to do something with it? Most likely, but it's still weird that people believed so easily to a guy who has the reputation of being a rat. Did he manipulated Judith? It seems so...

—"Hey! (L/N)"—

The voice of one of the teen's classmates zooned her back to reality. The voice sounded angry so she was afraid and hesitant to even look up from her empty desk.

—"Hey, I'm talking to you (L/N). Look up you fucking coward."—

The voice turns more irritated, the girl swallows nervously and with a silent sigh looks up. Before she could even realize who was talking to her she was met with a slap across her face, making her almost fall from her chair.

—"You are disgusting! I can't believe you used Judith to fuck and seduce her fucking little brother, people like you should kill themselves!"— your classmate hisses at you before simply walking away.

(Y/N) was shocked to say the least, watching her classmate go away whilst rubbing her red cheek after the impact, well if today was a bad day tomorrow will be a worse one, no doubt...

. . .

The teen was waiting outside the front gates waiting for Michael. The little boy made it clear that there is no way he would allow Judith to pick him up.

It was also unknown if the blond have told Deborah about what happened between them, but even if she did, (Y/N) still felt like the woman would be on her side, despite not seeing Deborah as often as any other Myers integrant, she seemed to really like and trust (Y/N), even more than her own daughter.

So guess not everything is that bad, at least for now...

After waiting a couple of minutes and not seeing Michael anywhere the (h/c) haired girl began to worry. Is that Wesley kid messing with Michael again? It's odd because after she defended little boy the bullies were way more hesitant about messing with him, almost always ignoring his existence. Did they got brave? Should she go and check for herself?

The teen's attention was caught by a strange man with a messy gray hair that was exiting from the building, his expression was a mixture of tiredness, irritation and concern. The man then spots the girl and then instantly rushes towards her.

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