"The true faces of evil"

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The trio continued to calmly chat, Joseph kept (Y/N)'s hand in his just to feel any movement or twitch, but sadly there was non.

At some point, a nurse had entered and gently announced that the visit was over and they had to leave, despite not wanting they understood that rules are rules and they had to follow them.

—"You can stay in the lobby if you want and in case your friend wakes up, but I really doubt it will happen tonight since she's still weak."—

—"I can stay, it's not like I have anything to do tomorrow..."— Olivia shrugs.

—"I can stay too."— Melanie adds.

—"I-"— Joseph wanted to answer as well but the sudden noises coming from his radio interrupted him. —"Well, the universe just spoke for me. I'll come around at morning, take care girls."—

The detective quickly says goodbye before making his way out while speaking to the radio.

After exchanging some extra words with the nurse the two females began to walk towards the lobby.

—"Ah carajo, this waiting game is killing me... Not literally. How about you Melanie? What's your secret to remain so..."— Olivia's voice dies when she looks back. —"...Calm."—

The dark haired female looks around in pure confusion when she doesn't see her friend behind or anywhere at that matter.


. . .

—"Sir, again I'm so sorry but I-"—

—"I am a doctor just like any other around here, ma'am. I knew miss (L/N) for ages and I have the right to see her since she was injured by my patient and it's my responsibility to make sure she's okay."— Loomis firmly replies.

The poor nurse seemed anxious and a bit intimidated by Loomis's harsh tone. Not wanting to cause unnecessary commotion she nods in defeat.

—"Okay... But it will be a quick visit, alright? It's way too late and the patients needs rest."—

—"That's more than enough, thanks."—

And so the doctor was taken to the room where (Y/N) was staying in. The female was still unconscious and her form haven't moved ones since her friends left.

Ones Loomis entered and was reminded he only has a couple of minutes, the old man sighs and walks towards the (h/c) haired female whilst keeping his hands in the pockets of his trench coat.

—"...And here we are again, aren't we (Y/N)?"— he looks at you, his gaze calm and thoughtful. —"You stuck in a hospital bed due to your own poor decisions... Of corse, in this case you didn't had much of a choice when Michael decided to be around, yet you had a choice to help him and yourself for real... You had the choice to tell me about it..."—

The old man pauses, his brows furrow slightly.

—"However, you managed to make Michael open up to you all by yourself... I wonder how you did it."—

He pauses again and then makes some steps forward getting closer to (Y/N).

—"It seems like you don't know neither... Or maybe you are refusing to tell anyone..."— his gaze turns colder. —"What pisses me off the most is that I still see nothing special in you, no one ever did... Because I'm sure you have nothing special, nothing. You are just a blindfolded ignorant, just like Deborah Myers was..."—

The last words that came from the man held some hate and venom.

—"And despite it all my attempts to make him forget you, make him believe you don't care and stop any of your attempts to reach out to that demon... Despite all of my efforts to get to know him... Michael still chosen you."—

Shapes of your memory (Michael Myers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now