~ Chapter 3 ~

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Chapter 3
Thursday August 4th 2018
Lennon's POV

"Didn't you have so much fun at school yesterday?" I asked excitedly to Theo as he swirled his spoon around in his bowl of cereal at the breakfast table. The twins were propped up in their swings drinking their milk away, and I was able to make myself some French toast for breakfast this morning. All 3 kids woke up in a good mood this morning, even Atticus was less fussy as I scrambled to get him changed and dressed.

"It was otay" Theo answered and took a big bite of lucky charms. Leftover milk dribbling down his chin which only made him giggle.

"Did you make a friend yesterday?" I asked, knowing if the answer was no I wasn't going to push it.

I only got a headshake in response.

"That's okay" I reassured. "What fun things did you do at school instead?"

"I colored" He answered, suddenly reinterested in the conversation.

"Oh really? What did you color?" I continued on.

"Mommy, and Delia, and Atti, and daddy, and me, and a doggy" He listed, and I was following until he mentioned a dog.

"A doggy?" I questioned, this is coming out of nowhere. We've never owned a dog, and I currently have no intentions of adopting one. I have enough tiny living things that need to be taken care of, and I think I would lose it if I had to take care of a fourth. I just prayed the next sentence coming out of his mouth wasn't him politely asking if I can get him a puppy, because how on earth could I take care of a dog right now?

"Yeah. Can we get a doggy?"

Well. Shit.

"Uhm" dumbfounded and caught by surprise I tried to think of an excuse. "I'm not sure buddy"

"Why?" He asked, tilting his head at me.

"I'll have to think about it, okay?" I swerved around his question, and distracted him with another thing. "Right now it's time to head off to school"

Quickly, I unbuckled both babies from their swings and transitioned them into their car seats. Delia was a very easy going baby, but the one thing she absolutely did not like was her carseat. Put her anywhere else and she'll be content, but the moment we have to drive somewhere, she instantly hates it. The struggle of getting 2 babies and a toddler to the car was already a struggle, but Delia's ear piercing screams never seemed to help the situation. Even as understanding as Theo is with his little siblings, he still covers his ears the entire walk to the car.

Although once the car finally starts being in motion Delia will calm down, she still isn't happy with me. Theo sits in between the two babies and attempts to keep them calm by pressing the song buttons on their baby toys and rattling the ones that make noises, but it doesn't help all the time.

Today was one of those days.

The entire ride to daycare Delia screamed her head off.

I think all of us were grateful when I parked the car and rushed to get all 3 kids out. With one baby on each arm, and a close eye on Theo in the parking lot, we entered the front door to daycare and was greeted by the young man who works the front desk area. I honestly don't even remember his name after all this time, but I think it was something like Lucas.

"You're not working at the hospital today?" He asked, doing a quick lookover of my black leggings and oversized sweatshirt. Very different from my hospital scrubs.

"Off till Monday" I made conversation, and then was reminded of something. Kneeling down on the ground in front of Theo to tell him goodbye, I also reminded him that I'll be the one to pick him up from school today.

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