~ Chapter 54 ~

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Chapter 54
Monday November 28th
Harry's POV

Today is my first day back at work since the day I relapsed.

Jeff had called Olivia when everything had happened and let her know that I had a personal emergency that would require me to miss a certain amount of time from work. She was a little frustrated, but paused filming for two weeks, which has obviously set us back quite a bit. Then, they filmed scenes that my character wasn't a part of until my return.

Walking on set this morning reminded me of how much I missed my career yet again. I was getting used to being here once again, so when I had to step back, I missed it. I was happy to see the crew, and be back at work, and see my costars.

Although I wasn't sure if everyone felt the same about me.

I walked in this morning and greeted everyone as I always had, and everyone was receptive and happy to see me for the most part. Except for Florence who didn't even look up at me when I walked in the room. I didn't think much of it, It was early and maybe she had a bad night, or wasn't in the mood to talk.

Well then she kept leaving rooms when I would walk in them, ignore eye contact with me when instruction was being delivered to us, and for the first time didn't include me in her offer to grab a lunch. Again, maybe she's just having an off day, but I don't know for sure.

Instead, I sat and ate lunch with Olivia in her little private directors area so we could discuss anything I've missed after the last few weeks, and so I could apologize to her for not being here. I decided to just be honest with her and tell her the truth about what had happened, I didn't want her to think I was making up an excuse or anything. So although it was hard to say it aloud to her, I told her what I had done.

"So that's where I've been... and it's not going to happen again" I stated.

"Okay. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you though" She offered, and I appreciated it.

"I will. Thanks"

"Of course. So while you were gone, we finished filming the end of the movie, of Florence escaping. Luckily, we filmed that scene of you hugging her before you were gone, so we don't have to worry about that. So from the time of you two fighting and you dying, to the end is done. This week is obviously the gala scenes, Florence and I will film our bathroom scene after break and you'll go practice with the choreographer for your routine" Olivia explained.

"Sounds good" I nodded along to whatever she was saying.

"On Friday we will film you and Florence in the real world, so be here earlier for costumes since you have to look worn down and different. Then next two weeks will be finishing touches, any reshoots, you know how it works"

"I can't believe we're basically at the end" I shook my head, crazy to think how my first project back is almost wrapped up and nobody even knows that I'm in it still.

"Went fast for sure, but I'm proud of it. It's all coming together, and I'm thrilled that you're our Jack"

"Thanks for putting up with all my stuff" I chuckled, knowing that having me in the film has definitely made things more difficult than they had to be.

"I would've been stupid to turn down your comeback role"

I just laughed in response and took another bite of my sandwich. Olivia started talking about something unrelated to the movie, and I nodded along, and checked my phone that had beeped during a pause in conversation.

I opened up the message from Lennon, seeing a photo attachment.

From: Lennon

Daycare sent me this <3

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