~ Chapter 15 ~

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Chapter 15
Wednesday August 24th
Lennon's POV

Getting home at the end of the day to my babies was so rewarding after the day that I've had. Between the house fire, Harry, and the weight of Hudson's death dragging me down all day long, Theo's race to hug me as soon as I opened the front door was like a whiff of fresh air bringing me back to reality.

I feel like I've been torn in so many different directions today, and I could feel myself growing overwhelmed with it all after my conversation with Harry. Despite my brain running rapid and me questioning myself and my judgment in potentially agreeing to hear Harry out, I had to keep a steady head on my shoulders and be focused for my patients. They deserved my best care, so I tried as hard as I could to shove all my personal problems to the back of mind. Me mourning Hudson and regretting Harry would not be a solid excuse to my boss if my quality of care weakened if I couldn't keep myself together.

Besides my babies, I can at least look forward to having a night where Harry isn't standing on my doorstep with that stupid pouty look on his face and his doe eyes trying to make me feel bad for him.

"How was your day at school buddy? I missed you so much" I asked Theo, my face practically shoved in his bunches of curls on the top of his head.

"Can we read to the stars?" He asked, and I tried not to read too much into him neglecting to answer my question. Did he have a bad day at school and that's why he didn't answer? Is he missing his dad more today? Or is he just a 3 year old who just asks the questions he wants answers too without a care in the world.

"Of course we can" I agreed, and slid my bag off my body and onto the floor by our shoe rack.

"I missed you this much today" He grinned and out stretched his arms as far wide as he could.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, pretending to be shocked.

"You miss me that much?" He asked in response, putting his arms back down at his sides.

"Even more than that" I nodded along, which was true. "Your rocket ship PJ's look so cute"

"Thanks mommy" He smiled. "Miss Lanna in the baby room"

"She's putting baby brother and sister to sleep, yeah?" I stood up from the ground and took a look around my very clean and organized living room, knowing it did not look like this when I left for work this morning.

Lyanna is truly a gem of a babysitter.

"Yeah they're sleeping" Theo placed a finger up to his mouth and made a shushing noise.

"Yeah it's their bedtime. Did you behave for Miss Lyanna?" I turned the TV program that Theo was watching off, since we were heading to bed in just a few moments anyways.


The sound of a door shutting quietly from the hallway was heard, and I waited until Lyanna's appearance emerged from the hallway before greeting her and thanking her for cleaning up the living room. I chatted with her for a few moments about the kids and how they were, and she let me know that Theo was quieter than usual the entire way home from school.

I noted that and kept it in the back of my mind, so if Theo brought it up I would be able to connect some dots. As always, I walked Lyanna out by paying and thanking her after she said her goodbyes to Theo and covered everything she felt was worthy to tell me.

"Alright, you ready to read to the stars?" I asked, turning back around and seeing my toddler, wearing a solemn expression on his face and twirling his thumbs in front of him. "Hey, are you okay?"

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