~ Chapter 13 ~

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Chapter 13
Wednesday August 24th
Lennon's POV

I don't know why, but Hudson's death hit me like a train this morning.

I found it excruciatingly difficult to get myself out of Theo's hold, and out of bed this morning. All I wanted to do was pull the blankets up over my head and enclose myself in them, allowing myself to just lay there and mope for as long as I want.

Unfortunately, being a single mom means I have kids that need me and a job that I'm barely holding onto. Taking the day off and laying around wasn't an option for me. I'm practically all out of time off because of all the days I missed when Hudson passed away.

Theo groaned in his sleep when I managed to unwrangle myself from his toddler death grip, so I shushed a couple times to keep him sleeping a bit longer. It was so early, and he didn't need to be awake for about another half hour, he needs his sleep.

Through tired eyes I made my way into my bathroom and turned the hot water on in the shower. I pulled Hudson's t-shirt off of my body and slid my sleep shorts down my legs before engulfing myself in the steam. It might sound crazy, but there are still things of his I haven't packed away yet, including his shower gel. Instead of reaching for my normal strawberry scented shampoo, I instead reached for Hudson's shampoo bottle that was perched on the cut out in the wall. I just felt like I wanted to do this today.

I lathered up my long black hair with the shampoo, and then let it sit in my head for a moment as I let the water run down my body. After I rinsed it out, I did the same with his conditioner and let it soak in as I washed my body.

I stepped out of the shower, and dried myself off quickly. I took a little longer in there then I wanted to, so now I don't have much time. I guess it doesn't matter that much though, it's not like I bother trying to do my makeup or anything crazy with my hair anyways. I squeezes the excess water out of my hair, and ran my brush through it so I could braid it very quickly. I parted my hair down the middle and split the sides, and did one braid on each side of my head.

Then I threw my scrubs and shoes on, brought my keys and wallet near the front door area, to go get the kids up. Theo felt the bed shift when I sat back down next to him, and he rolled over to face me, eyes still closed and lips slightly parted.

"Baby, it's time to go to school" I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

He whined in his sleep.

"I know, but you'll have a great day bud" I encouraged, scooping him up and moving him into my lap. The movement caused him to open his eyes and rub them, trying to wake up.  A yawn escaped his body as he nestled himself into me.

"I don't want to go" He whined. "I want to stay home with you"

I sighed quietly to myself. "I wish I could stay home with you today too, but mommy has to go to work okay? Time will go by so fast, okay?"

"I can go to work with you" He suggested, yawning once again. Despite his protests, I stood up from the bed and began to carry him down the hallway to the twin's bedroom. I wish I could make him happy and take the day off, but I know he's just complaining about getting out of bed, and he'll be fine once he eats some breakfast to wake up a bit. I'll possibly keep him home on Thursday, and we can have a day together.

"I don't think little boys are allowed to work in the emergency room love, but I appreciate the offer" I kiss his cheek, and set him down on the carpet. As usual the twins were already awake and ready to escape from their cribs, so I grabbed Atticus and began changing him. "Why don't you go pick out some clothes to wear?"

He disappointedly sighed, but agreed, and shuffled his feet across the hallway to his bedroom to pick out an outfit. Meanwhile, I changed the babies and picked out coordinating outfits from their closet. Not too long later, Theo came back into the room wearing a toy story shirt, some patterned shorts, and mismatched socks. I guess that's what you get when you don't provide options, however he came back in the nursery a much better mood than he left, which is enough for me.

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