~ Chapter 5 ~

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Chapter 5
Friday August 5th
Lennon's POV

"No! Lennon, wait. Wait wait wait" He spoke quickly. I didn't care, I didn't want to hear it. Without hesitating, I started closing the door right in his face, only to be stopped by his hand flying forward and practically getting smushed between the door and the wall. I didn't even feel bad.


"No. You need to leave" I repeated, my tone getting harsher. I honestly just can't even begin to explain how shocked, and confused, and flat out angry I am. He doesn't deserve a second of my time, and I wish more than anything he would walk away from my front door right this second.

By some miracle, I found my footing and felt confident to hold myself up straight again. With my arm that wasn't holding my fussing child, I swatted his arm away that was blocking my door from closing, and slammed it right in his face. I could hear him exhale from the other side of the wood, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

This is quite frankly the last thing I needed tonight.

I can't believe he is here. Him and all the memories that I've suppressed to the back of my mind just instantly came flooding back when I saw his face. He looked different than he did before, but there was no mistaking it. I never in a million years expected this to happen.

Shocked is an understatement to how I'm feeling right now. In no universe was I mentally or emotionally prepared for this moment to happen, and I don't even know what emotion running through me I should prioritize. There was a short period of time I begged and waited around for this exact moment to happen, but I had given up hope that it would ever become a reality. I once thought it would make me feel complete again and solve all of my problems, but all I felt right now was complete and utter disgust.

I once resented him for leaving, and now I'm resentful he came back.

I'm angry.

I'm so fucking angry.

What I once wanted more than anything, I now wish would disappear and stay that way. My world has already been shifted and thrown around immensely this year, and Harry trying to weasel his way back into it would just be the icing on the cake.

"Who was it mommy?" Theo asked again, now standing at my side staring up at me.

"It was nothing bud, don't worry about it" I plastered on a smile for him, and walked back over to Lia to finish getting the kids down for bed. "Can you hand me the wipes teddy?"

"Yea!" He clapped his hands together, and grabbed the wipes from the coffee table to hand to me. He squatted down next to his siblings as I finally got them dressed in their pajamas.

"Such a good helper" I complimented. Theo really does have the biggest heart for his siblings and is always eager to help grab supplies for me, or sit down and play with them. It's about the one thing that can actually make me smile nowadays.

The mood was instantly ruined when another knock at the door made both Theo's and I's heads turn to look at it. Why didn't he leave yet?

"They back!" Theo held up an inquisitive finger in the air, a small giggle escaping his lips.

"Yeah, they are" I fake laughed, annoyance seeping through it but he was too young to even notice or care. Making the decision to just ignore Harry's presence, I announced to Theo that it was time to go to sleep. Without a fuss, he got up from the floor and gathered up which stuffed animals he wanted to bring to bed tonight, and I picked up both babies in my arms.

We dropped the babies off in their rooms, both Theo and I giving them forehead kisses and whispering goodnights to them. Once the sound machine in their room is on, both of them will pretty much knock out in the next 5-10 minutes. Even in my room towards the back of the house, I could still Harry knock on the door again. Why can't he just go home?

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