~ Chapter 14 ~

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Chapter 14
Wednesday August 24th
Lennon's POV

Instantly, it felt like my nurse persona was shut off and right or wrong, I wasn't worried about whether or not Harry was here for a valid reason. I was just fully shocked to open the door to a familiar face, particularly one who I didn't want to see, that remaining professional flew out the window against my better judgement.

"Why are you here?" I used my hand to close the door behind me, and leaned against it staring at the man sitting right in front of me.

"Because I'm hurt" He responded.

I looked him over, not seeing any cuts or bruises on what was visible of his body, all his limbs looked intact, and there was no obvious damage to that head of his besides idioticy. "You look fine"

"It's my heart" He placed a hand over it dramatically, gasping out in pain like a performance.

"Harry if there isn't something actually wrong with you, then you need to leave. This is my job, it was enough that you won't stop coming to my home, but you can't show up at my place of work with your antics. Your chart notes stomach pain, so is there something actually wrong?" I crossed my arms over my chest, just wanting to be done with Harry all together.

He sighed, and looked around the room before spitting out what he wanted to say. "I need to talk to you, and you won't let me"

Exasperated, I let out "Oh my god"

"Just give me-"

"Harry, no!" I groaned. "You cannot show up here faking an injury so you can talk to me. I know that you disappeared off the face of the Earth for years and you're famous, but rules still apply to you. Boundaries apply, I don't want to speak to you!" I raised my voice, but only slightly, not wanting any of my co workers to pass by and hear me yelling at a "patient" out of context. The last thing I need would be to get in trouble with my boss.

"Lennon, please" He pressed the palms of his hands against his forehead, his way of letting me know that he was growing frustrated. Even years later, he hasn't changed the little things about himself.

"I truly can not grasp why you are feeling like I owe you a conversation, and maybe that's selfish of me, but it's just baffling to me that you think you can show up out of nowhere after leaving a stupid note and think you're entitled to talk to me, and I just need to give that to you" I stared at him.

"I truly want to fix things, I-I honestly thought that I would be helping you. It was a dumb mistake, I was young, and I clearly didn't think it through, but I've always regretted it" He spoke faster than normal, I'm assuming to get the words out before I cut him off.

"I was young too Harry, that's not an excuse" I bit the inside of my cheek. "Maybe I just don't get it because I would've never thought to do that to you, despite everything that was going on, I never would have done what you did, and that's why it makes me sick to sit here and speak to you"

"If you'd just let me, I can explain Lennon" He twirled his thumbs that were placed in his lap.

"What if it's too late for that Harry? Are you just going to show up at my house every night and harass me until the end of time? I can't do that Harry, I need to protect my f-myself. If you would've shown up earlier, we might've wrote a different story, but it's been years! If this is about you just wanting your money, then I will give all of it back to you"

"This isn't about money!" He groaned, rubbing his forehead again.

"Then what?" 

"I want to be a father"

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