~ Chapter 62 ~

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Chapter 62
Sunday January 15th
Lennon's POV

I made it another year, and man what a year it has been. 24 made me experience things that I never thought I would have to, and taught me a lot. It was the hardest year of my life, and honestly I'm relieved that I'll never be that age again.

Hopefully 25 is better to me.

I woke up, not to Theo climbing all over me, which is uncommon on the weekends. Usually he'll be up first and ready to hang all over me like a jungle gym, but not today. I looked at the time on my phone, and saw that it was already 9am. How on earth did I sleep so late? I never sleep through the twin's crying and surely they'd be up by now.

In a hurry I jumped out of bed and left my bedroom. I peaked in the twin's nursery, and gasped when I saw what was going on.

Harry was sitting there, both babies in his lap, playing a game of cards with Theo.

A million questions ran through my mind. The main one being, how did he even get into my house? I know for a fact he didn't sleepover last night, and he doesn't have a key, so now I'm extremely confused.

"Mommy!" Theo gasped, tossing his cards to the side and running over to give me a big hug.

"Hi teddy bear" I kissed the top of his head, slight confusion was laced in my tone.

"Happy birthday!" Theo cheered.

"Thanks buddy!" I smiled, and then looked at Harry. "How did you get in my house?"

"I stole a spare key, no biggie" Harry answered nonchalantly, without a care in the world. "You weren't supposed to wake up yet"


"Just go back to bed, 15 minutes?" Harry stood up, and before I was able to fight him and question why, Theo started pushing on my back to try and shove me back into my bedroom. Clearly, they were up to something so I went along with it and went back to bed.

I laid back down and grabbed ahold of my phone, seeing happy birthday messages from Samantha and my dad. Not shockingly, those were probably the only two people that I would be hearing from today. I responded thanks to both of them, and chatted with my dad momentarily while I waited. He asked me about what the plans were for the day, to which I said there were none, and he sent me money for birthday dinner with the kids.

A few minutes later, a little hand was knocking on my door and then opening it seconds later.

I could practically cry at what I saw next.

The twins were sat up in a wagon that I use to take them on walks, and tied to the wagon were a couple balloons in my favorite color. Theo held a small tray of food in both of his hands, clutching it tightly and taking small steps so he didn't drop it between his fingers. Pulling the wagon was of course Harry, who was also balancing a box of donuts in his other hand. As they entered the room, Harry and Theo shouted out "Happy Birthday!" and wore the biggest smiles on their faces.

In shock, I covered my mouth with my hands. This was quite possibly my favorite thing in the entire world, and I couldn't believe that it was happening. It's been a few years since my birthday was celebrated in a "major" way, and I knew that Harry had everything to do with it. My heart felt like it was about to burst with how much this meant to me.

"Oh my goodness" I gasped.

I took the plate of food from Theo's hands, and he climbed up onto the bed next to me. I smiled so widely when I saw pancakes on the plate in the form of "25". They made me number pancakes. It was something that seems so silly, but this was everything to me.

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