~ Chapter 36 ~

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Chapter 36
Saturday September 24th
Lennon's POV

"Theo, I asked you to clean up your cars" I turned the corner into the living room, to be met by the same mess that I've walked past for the last several hours.

"I pwaying with them" Theo whined, but he wasn't telling the truth. The cars have been sprawled out on the floor untouched for the last 4 hours while he's played with every other toy in this house. If he was actually playing with them, I wouldn't ask him to clean them up.

"You're playing with your action figures right now, so can you please clean up the cars like I asked you?" I repeated.

Theo whined and stomped his feet over to the cars to start tossing them in their designated bucket. It took less than 5 minutes for all the cars to be gathered and put back in the cabinet where they belong.

"Thank you" I told him. I then continued on to the laundry room to pour a new load in. It's around 2:30 now and I've spent the morning cleaning up the house from the entire week. I really should just look into hiring a cleaning company at this point because I just can't keep up with it.

I didn't get any sleep last night, I was up thinking about Hudson the entire time. I just miss him so much.

We're going through a major change in this house right now by having Harry here, and I just wish I had somebody I could talk it out with. In the moment, I have to be strong for Theo. I need to show him that I'm absolutely comfortable with Harry and I like being around him. All the negative emotions I have about Harry have to be buried, so that Theo can get familiar with him.

It's really hard to do. This isn't something that I wanted, but I have to put in 100% or it isn't going to work.

If Hudson was here, I could at least talk to him about it after the kids were in bed and we were alone. He would (hopefully) assure me I was doing the right thing, and I would at least have that to fall back on. All I have right now is my unsure mind.

Was I doing the right thing?

Maybe it's too soon to judge. Harry's only been over here with the kids twice now and Theo hasn't exactly made it easy for him, and he probably won't anytime soon. Theo's going to continue to keep his distance, and Harry needs to push through it. But Harry has shown up both times without failure and I mean, he's attempted to speak to Theo.

Speaking of Harry, he's supposed to be coming over around 5. We decided we would do a movie night tonight. Theo should be happy with that choice considering it practically eliminates all conversation besides hello's and goodbyes. Then tomorrow he'll come over again and we will just have another chill evening with some to go food and toys around the house.

It's harder to think of things to do to bond when we can't go anywhere. However, I am glad that we're doing this privately on our own terms, and not with social media blowing up our locations and relationship details. There's also the point that Theo is older now and would notice if people came up to Harry asking for pictures or if we even ran into paparazzi. When Harry and I were together, Theo was just a baby and obviously didn't know, but now he would.

It's better this way.

After not dealing with the tabloids for a few years now, I don't think it's something I ever want to do again.

We will stick to home activities for now. I thought about going to the neighborhood pool but of course that would be too busy on a Saturday, so maybe if we go next Sunday there would be a limited number of people there and we could go. Theo would enjoy swimming, and if we're lucky, he would show off his skills to Harry as well.

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