Cerberus' Heart 03

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On the way down to my study after attending to the she-wolf, the sounds of knocking came again. Dropping off the excess healing rubies, I headed over to the door at my own pace, throughly exhausted from today's encounter with the she-wolf.

The knocking became slightly impatient. Swinging one of the double doors open, I came face to face with a burly man of dark tan skin and short dark hair. His eyes were a dark brown and upon seeing me, a bit of hostility leaked out from them.

Not ecstatic to see another one of their kind either, I let my disgruntled expression show. "What brings you here, mutt?"

Jaw ticking, he answered in a gravelly voice, "You are housing a human that harmed my pack."

I sighed, I knew dogs are not that smart but these ones were just plain stupid. "Listen here, wolfy," at the nickname, he bared his teeth. Rolling my eyes, I continued, "I'm not housing a human. There is no human here. So if that's all you came here for, you'd best leave now," I stated, attempting to close the door.

The wolf placed his foot over the threshold, in the way. Becoming irritated as his insistence, I snapped, "You are not even supposed to be on this land. You're trespassing on my territory as is. So I'd suggest, while you are still intact, move your lackeys off my land and scram back to where you are supposed to be.

"If you are not gone within the hour, I will personally hunt you down myself."

At my warning, the wolf begrudgingly retreated, anger in his eyes. Once he was out of view, I closed the door and headed to the kitchen.

Even if I was not hungry, a cup of warm hot chocolate would suffice. Rich and creamy drinks just had a way of easing a stressed mind.

Human, huh? What a dumb dog. So that must mean I rescued a stray. Rogue, as the wolves call it. Geez, my life's just gotten a lot more troublesome than need be.


It had been about three days since I brought the she-wolf inside and three days since she remained asleep.

On the second day, due to the slow healing rate, I checked the she-wolf for silver and found her earrings and the ring on her right ring finger to be made of silver. I wanted to kick myself for not noticing it sooner.

It explained why she was healing slowly. Those nasty wolves. Outcasting some of their own and now this new trend of putting silver on them. I had never heard of it but the fact that I was seeing it, meant it was probably happening to rogues all over the world.

Forgetting the she-wolf recovering in one of the guest rooms, I realised that my meals had been nothing but boring sandwiches consisting of cold meat, cheese and lettuce. And since she looked like she wasn't getting up any time soon, I decided to go buy some takeout for myself.

Before leaving, I checked up on the she-wolf one last time and departed to the city.

Arriving in the city, I walked out from an alley, easing my way into the crowd full of humans clothed in furs and puffed out jackets with gloves of various colours. Some even have fluffy ear muffs. Mostly the children though.

The stench of humans was pungent, although a few other species of humanoid beings permeate the air. With the naked eye, it was impossible to tell them from the real humans. Like me, they had studied human behavioural patterns, allowing us to blend in seamlessly with the human race.

Bypassing a tall male, I slipped into a restaurant that sold one of my most favourite type of chicken. Their chicken was crispy, crumbed and drenched in the most delicious of sauces that I still can't quite replicate as of yet. But I was just one ingredient away from replicating it. Or maybe two.

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