Cerberus' Heart 16

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After bidding our goodbyes to Sven, Violet and I headed back down the gloomy corridor. Before exiting the back room, I tapped Violet on her shoulder, "Wait for a moment." She nodded, casting me a puzzled look. I gestured her to follow me to the staff room. Once there, I opened the door, stepping into a white room with white wooden benches and lockers. The room was doused in a warm yellow light and completed the dreary atmosphere.

I didn't have to do much as one of the staff members walked up to me and led me to a spare room. Peering in, I looked around the assortment of jackets, gloves, hats and boots. "You may select what you like, Master Kinley," the timid boy of pale skin and warm brown eyes said to me. I nodded, selecting a coal grey coat, a black scarf and red gloves. Retrieving the items, I withdrew from the room and set about hurriedly stuffing myself into the outfit. Nodding my appreciation for his assistance, he returned the gesture with a grin.

Placing my arm around Violet's shoulder, I led her out of the room and tavern, forcing us back into the cold weather. The silence that was between us broke as we strolled along the snow-covered street, bustling with humans and humanoids.

"What happened to your coat?" She asked, nose hiding in her coat. I removed the scarf around my neck and wrapped it around her. She froze at gesture but soon relaxed and nodded, "Thanks."

"I forgot it in my rush here," I replied shortly. A half-blood vampire stalked past us and I intertwined my fingers with Violet's, pulling her closer to me. They were no different from humans, hence they were harder to identify except for the sickly color to their skin. Glancing at Violet, I noticed a bit of red touches her cheeks.

"Did Sven not give you anything for your fever?" I asked looking ahead, surveying the area.

I saw her shake her head from the corner of my eye. Before I could even comment, she beat me to it, "I don't have a fever."


"But nothing, Master Kinley," she mocked sternly. I scowled.

"Don't call me that. I'm not a master of anything," I said, bitterly. "And no, when we get back, I'm giving you something hot to drink for that fever you claim not to have," I said, leaving no room for argument.

She huffed, "Stubborn mule."

"Hopeless human," I countered, glancing at her from time to time. The redness coating her cheeks seemed to have receded some. Odd. Why does her fever do that? Unless I'm wrong. Is she really just... blushing? But why?

"So you're going to play that card, huh? I'll have you know that that's unfair," she huffed defeatedly. I managed a small smile at her defeat.

"Ah, so he can smile," she said, grinning smugly up at me. I couldn't seem to wipe the smile off my face quick enough so I opted to face away from her.

"Don't be shy," she giggled softly. I snapped my head back towards her, staring with widened eyes, I was sure.

"What?" She asked, almost as if I offended her. I turned away, muttering, "You... giggled."

She leaned into me, allowing my ears to pick up on the steady thump of her heart within her chest. "I didn't quite catch that," she said, burning holes into the side of my face.

Clearing my throat, I faced forward again, "You chatterbox," I replied, fighting hard to withhold my smile. That's also a first in forever. I've haven't heard a sound like that since my mother passed.

Shaking my head, I gently tugged Violet in the direction of a clothing store for females with the intention of purchasing her some clothes of her own. She attempted to dig in her heels into the pavement but I pulled her along regardless.

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