Cerberus' Heart 08

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It had been three days since I lost myself to my hunger. And it had been three long and worrisome days since Violet fainted from blood loss.

Today was no different, with me pacing in the kitchen. I was surprised that I hadn't worn a path into the ivory colored tiles. A pop from the pan on the gas stove, drew me back into the present and out of my head.

The kitchen was drenched in the salty and meaty scent of the bacon burgers I was frying. Tending to them, I flipped them, seeing tiny spots of yellow dot the patty under the thin film of oil coating it. Cheese, I mused.

Behind me on the island, rested a tower of stacked burger patties. About twenty more or less. Placing the recently done ones onto the tower, it totaled up to more or less twenty-four patties.

I seemed to have cooked a little too much. Oh well.

Popping into the fridge, I picked out some lettuce, tomatoes, onions and potatoes.

Separating the tower of burgers onto two plates with two stacks each, I placed a net over them before turning my back to them and proceeding to set to work with the vegetables.

I tore leaves off the lettuce, washed them and left them in a bowl filled with water. I moved onto the tomatoes.

Washing them, I thinly sliced them, placing the slices in a container and popping the lid closed. Peeling the potatoes and then the onions, I washed them under the tap, placing them onto a chopping board.

Cutting the potatoes into long,thin chips, I left them on a plate nearby. Moving onto the onions, I cut them in slim circles. Once done, I grabbed a deep pot, filled it with oil and rinsed the deep frying mesh.

Tossing the potatoes into the wire basket, I plopped it into the oil. The oil came alive, viciously resisting the water that had came into contact with it. It sizzled and splashed, throwing small hot drops of oil into the air. I took a step back.

Soon though, the warring of oil and water calmed down and I peeped over the pot's side in to the bubbling oil. The potatoes had not changed from their off-white-ish color. Sighing, I placed the onion rings into the empty pan and placed it back on the stove.

Pouring a little oil into the pan, I watched, as again oil and water war with each other only to have oil win every time.

Washing the utensils, in between tending to the onion rings, I used to make the components of the burger, I dried them, placing them into their respective places. Before long, the onion rings were all done, leaving only the potato chips.

Checking on the potatoes, I had noticed that they had finally turned a delightful golden brown. Turning the gas off, I removed the mesh net filled with potato chips and placed it over a draining container I had ready.

Grabbing four packs of half-dozen buns, that I bought in stock, and some tomato sauce from the pantry, I re-entered into the kitchen. Placing the packets down, I opened them and began assembling the burgers.

Soft padding footsteps on the carpet outside caused me to halt my movements. Could it be?

The footsteps stopped and a shadow stretched in from the doorway due to the hallway lights being on to combat the darkness fast approaching outside.

My head snapped up and in the doorway, a tired looking Violet held the doorframe. She casted me a weary smile. I remained motionless.

Her shifting on her feet lightly alerted me to her uncomfort. I tore my eyes away, going back to making the burgers. It provided me a much needed distraction from her and her pulsating blood vessels kicking up a symphony within her body.

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