Cerberus' Heart 05

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Despite having regained consciousness, the she-wolf was recovering at a ghastly pace. On the other hand, her complexion had come back and she had more life to her eyes.

When not checking up on her, I was in my study, investigating the attack on the village not too far down from the castle. The records were old and barely filled with any information at all. Courtesy of the scout I had gather information. Completely useless. And this was why I preferred working alone.

Sighing, I leaned back into the soft leather of the maroon chair. A few feet away, a warm fire burned away, casting an dull orange hue over the room. Staring blankly into the flames, I lost myself in their patterns and a warmth I could never have.

Shifting my eyes over to the window, the blizzard outside made it impossible to see anything, let alone the misty fog with a touch of frost on the window. I couldn't help but sigh again and sank further into the chair.

The thing I found most puzzling was the fact that her mother and the villagers were killed however her mother's body was one of the missing. What purpose would that have served the wolves? None, as far as I knew. And another irritating fact of her story was that the wolves were on my land. Unless they had gone senile, they had no business being here.

I was stirred out of my thoughts by a disturbance of the barrier surrounding the Gate.

Immediately heading there, I appeared behind the intruder, and painfully yanked them to face me. I quickly pulled my hand away though when blue eyes stare into mine. Huffing out a relieved breath, I led a shocked she-wolf away from the Gate, blocking her view of it.

We passed through the golden hue of the artificial greenhouse, the warm tones of mainly green intermixed with various colours of flowers having an otherworldly touch. The smell of vegetation overpowering but in a good way. All of the plants maintained by the magic of the Gate, made my life easier; so me never having a green thumb no longer mattered.

"How did you get here?" I ended up hissing without realising, after we exited the garden. I only knew I did when I saw her shaking form. And while I felt a tad bit bad, I chose to leave it at that. A wolf should not be wandering and snooping around.

"I was looking for the kitchen. I wanted to get myself a glass of water when I saw the garden. I didn't think I wasn't allowed there," she squeaked. Only then did I notice the glass tumbler in her still shaking hands.

I sighed, "Alright. Just never enter that garden again. I do not want you anywhere near there. If you do go there, I'll know, so be a good little human and stay away from there, understood?"

She nodded. "I can't hear you," I encouraged.

"Yes, I understand. Though why did you say human? Aren't you one too?" she snickered though somewhat shakily.

My body tensed. I forgot she thinks we're both human. "Just a slip of the tongue," I brushed it off.

"Oh, and how do you do that?" she inquired.

"Do what?" was my reply.

"Y'know... just appear so quickly. Like from wherever you were to where I am. Honestly, it seems like magic," she giggled.

"I'm not obliged to answer that," came my cold response. The she-wolf shrunk in on herself subconsciously.

"Sorry," she muttered and made to walk faster than me to put some distance between us. I let her.

From behind her, I loudly stated, "Your room is one floor above this one as I'm sure you know, the second floor which is this one, houses a secondary kitchen and is stocked with various snacks. You'll find it two doors ahead of you to your right.

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