Cerberus' Heart 06

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"Y-you just ripped out that massive guy's tongue...dangled him like he weighed nothing..." she said, looking at me with fear.

I took a step towards her. She flinched. "Ms. Violet, just-"

"No! You're not normal! That's not something a human can do! You're just a hideous monster. A disgusting and hideous monster," she whispered but I heard her all the same.

"Just let me explain," I said trying to approach her again. She turned on her heel and bolted back up the stairs. I materialized in front of her on the stairs and she shrieked, falling to her knees. She groaned softly but she scurried away from me as fast as possible as she could. "Ms. Violet, just-"

"No way in Hell! Leave me alone, you disgusting monster!" she yelled before spinning around and bolting back down the stairs, yanked open the doors and bolted out.

I let her go, barefoot and in a thin nightgown. She wanted out and she got it. I was seething. How dare that she-wolf call me disgusting after I saved her life?! She should've been thankful she still lived! And why did her words hurt me so? I was a monster, yes; so why did it hurt? Why was I so mad? Maybe the words reminded me of the last words those slain by me always said with dying breaths. That could very well be the reason.

My ears rang and another image of blue soulless eyes stared back at me. When the image vanished, I was leaning heavily against the railing, massaging my temples. Those damn visions or dreams, whatever they were, hurt like Hell sometimes.

A shrill scream tore through the air and that was enough to send me racing out the door and into the snow. I arrived in front of Violet being cornered by a massive wolf, the very same I had warned to be gone off my land just a few minutes ago. The wolf lunged at her and I rushed forward and yanked it back by its scruff before tossing it away.

Looking over my shoulder, I pinned the wolf with a heated glare. "Don't move or you won't like the aftermath." Turning to Violet now, I stared at her coldly. "You will remain in place and not move a muscle, lest I show you how horrid I can be," I growled darkly. She shivered but remained rooted in place.

The wolf sprang up and towards my head. I backhanded the animal and it landed in the snow and a cloud of white powder a few feet away. Slowly approaching the fallen animal, my anger began to rise. "You just don't listen do you? I tire of being merciful to an ungrateful mutt," I growled, stepping on its front paw and crushing the limb.

It howled and growled in pain, latching its teeth onto my leg. Deeper black stains began to form on my pant leg from my blood, when I crouched down and dislocated its jaw, freeing my leg. The wound healed slowly but at a steady rate, as the wolf whimpered and whined. "Shift." I commanded. The wolf shook in pain but indicated no signs of shifting.

"Shift or so help me, I'll slaughter your entire pack!" I roared in outrage. The crack of bone, the shifting and stretching of skin along with the wisps and hiss of steam sneaked into the air. Fur receded as human skin warped disgustingly over moving bones that broke and rearranged themselves endlessly to change from wolf to man. I scowled as finally a naked man crouched before me in the snow, his jaw still dislocated but worse off as he had shifted with it broken. His left forearm was a limp lump of skin, muscle and crushed bone fragments.

I pulled the male's jaw down and out before shoving it back into its place roughly. He screamed hoarsely in pain and curled into himself, shaking in pain. "Aren't you mutts just perverse creatures roaming about in the skin of man?" I snidely remarked.

He remained silent and curled in on himself. I kicked his stomach and he flipped onto his back. "You have tested my patience enough. It's about time you and your pack learned what happens when you bite the hand that showed you mercy," I hissed, stomping on his stomach. He screamed out in pain.

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