Cerberus' Heart 13

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The varnished wooden sign above the door with the words, Joe's Tavern, carved in cursive provided me some relief. I ushered Violet inside first. The bell chimed, throwing its familiar charismatic tune into the warm establishment, a few eyes landing on the open door. I entered after her, letting the door swing closed and moved further into the space, as most if not all patrons, went back to what they were doing. Arriving at the counter, Violet in tow, I greeted the bartender with a nod and, "One order of Hortus."

Momentarily, the young man's eyes widened before his eyes flashed a yellow reptilian colour. Grinning, he nodded, beckoning another one of his co-workers to lead us to the back room. Violet clutched shakily at my coat sleeve, "Did you just see-"

"That his eyes changed for a moment? Then yes. Now hush and don't leave my side," I whispered to her. She looked terrified but nodded her head all the same, staying right on my heel. Pulling her closer to my side, I patted her head, hoping to ease her nerves some. My attempt fell flat.

The woman infront of us, led us down a darkened corridor lined with torches interspersed at long intervals. The old brown stone lining the corridor was marred with minute cracks from age but remained standing firm. The scent of burning wood and a musky smell clung to the air as we moved further in, though began to fade once more as we neared the exit.

A red wooden door, adorned with golden edges and latches and locks, was lighted by the torches on either side of its intimidating structure. Violet clawed at my coat sleeve when the woman creaked open the door. Turning to face us, she smiled a smile too wide for her human face and too sinister to be an innocent gesture of good will. I ignored her as she said, "Please enjoy your stay, Master Kinley." and instead walked into the room, leaving her behind in the gloomy tunnel.

Violet gazed around the room, doused in a dull purple and blue hue. Moving dots of red and lime light danced across the space at random. A gasp left Violet as she hid behind me. Following her line of vision, I spot a minotaur. Feeling our gaze on him, it switched its attention to us, slowly thundering its way over on hooved feet.

Once it reached us, it huffed out a revolting gust of breath. I wrinkled my nose in distaste, looking it straight in the eyes despite my own watering from the odour it emitted not long ago. Violet clutched tightly at my coat, shaking almost violently.

"Must you showcase your vile dinner and terrible manners all at once?" I asked, casting the minotaur an irritated glance.

"Nice to see you too, you old buzzard!" The minotaur chortled, patting my back, almost sending me flying forward at the unexpected contact.

"Please, Sven. I'm not that old," I replied, dusting my shoulders. Violet huddled closer to me, peeking around my shoulder at Sven.

"Says the centuries old, undead royal!" The minotaur guffawed at my expense.

"I'm not a royal," I refuted.

"Sure," he sang in his deep and rough voice. "Your blood says otherwise," he countered.

"I don't care about that, Sven," I replied, observing the room around us. Seeing many casting looks our way. Some intrigued, others hostile.

"Of course not," he said, rolling his eyes. Just then, a waitress came up to us and offered me a silver goblet of blood. I took it and sipped at it. The waitress was about to offer another goblet to Violet but I placed my hand between them, instead telling the waitress, "She wishes to try human beverages for a change of pace." The waitress nodded and slinked away.

Sven was already looking at me when I turned back to face him. I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I can see the questions you have already pooling in those eyes of yours."

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