Cerberus' Heart 02

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My wish was granted sooner than I had expected. Once again, out in the snow, I followed the faint scent of pine. The trail was convoluted and fainter each step but the direction was clear. The pack of mutts within my territory.

Cloaked in the shadows and leaves on a branch between tall pines, I observed the pack. Young mutts raced through the village, nearly toppling a young male carrying a basket filled with wood. They spared him a quick apology before darting away once more. Mutts though they were, I enjoyed watching the innocence of childhood bloom in them.

Focusing on the head's house towards the centre, I noticed that the mutts were acting strange. They seemed agitated. As if they caught scent of something. They did nothing other than quietly whisper with angered or stressed faces to one another. Glancing back to the rest of the village, the other mutts were unbothered. So only the high ranked mutts knew, huh? Well, this was just getting interesting.

I soon left the mutt's village behind me and headed back to my castle. Imposing, old, and decrepit. A mangled cage dressed in what once was luxury.

Outside my doorstep, was an unexpected guest. As soon as the male recognized me, he bowed, addressing me with superficial praise when his words were nothing more than an insult to me.

"The glorified and magnificent, Beast of Leviathan, I greet you," he said, still with his head bowed.

"What brings you here?" I asked, walking past him without sparing him a glance.

"His Majesty summons you to the Autumn Coccineum." the male replied.

"I refuse," I answered bluntly.

"You can not, Beast of Leviathan. It is by His Majesty's decree that you attend. His Majesty said to remind you what's at stake, should you refuse," the male reminded. Emerson Castle. That damned devil!

I frowned at him and he flinched. "Enough. I tire of your incessant and unnecessary reminders. And do not utter that title to my face. I'm sick of it," I said coldly. The male shivered beneath my stare.

"I-I dare not call you by any other title than one befitting your stature, B-beast of Leviathan." he stammered.

My jaw ticked and the male scrambled back away from me, falling onto his bottom, trembling in fear.

"Inform the King I shall attend," I hissed, disappearing into my home. I saw the male nod before the doors shut on his form still cowering in the snow.

I made my way to the library, intent on reading till my eyes blurred the lines into unintelligible scribbles of black. I hated the fact that even though I wished to deny my attendance, I was forced to. It was safe to say, my anger wasn't placated by merely reading and I was left stewing in anger until the day of the Autumn Coccineum finally arrived.


I approached Leviathan's palace gates, the guards daring not to stop but rather make way for me. As I walked past the line of fellow vampires standing in line waiting to be let in, some whispered hate-filled words laced with envy at my privilege. I ignored them. The servant, outside the ballroom, announced my arrival with flourish.

"The Loyal Beast of Leviathan, has entered!" the male bellowed. A scowl remained on my face as the other Vampires in the room all turned to face me. Some looked on with awe, others with distaste. The most distrustful stares were from the old geezers that supported Leviathan closely and to them, I sent a especially scalding glare. They flinched, as any other Vampire would when on the receiving end of my stare.

The man atop his throne watched me with mirth filled eyes. The sight made me more agitated. I forewent paying my respects to the King and headed for the beverages lined along a table. Picking up a wine glass full of Danti blood, I partook of a sip, looking over the ball that was starting to begin. The chatter was picking up as young Vampires mingled in friend groups, consisting of both fellow Vampires and Danti.

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