I'm Not Yours

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The world stops turning
Here in your embrace
Stars and sunsets, all I see
I'm swimming above the water

I dream of so many things
Dancing with you in the middle of the night
Laying in your arms while watching the sunset
So many things I wish to be

But it's not reality
There are roads that are never meant to be taken
I am not yours, rocks thrown at my chest
How will I be able to move on from this?

The friendship is close
No damage has been done
Soft touches are the stars' location
A voice that makes time feel frozen

Will time finally be friendly?
Will feelings fade and become a memory?
Will home still be a place I can return to
Where I can feel comfort and love, platonically?

For now I'll suffer in the dreams and wishes
Feel the light on my skin which soon will burn
Comfort and love will still be felt
But I'm not yours...
Will my heart ever be restored?

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