Thank You

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I've written down my thoughts
Turning it all into poetry
Writing down all of my experiences
Hoping to be seen and heard

I no longer feel so alone
As people have listened
Giving me more inspiration
And the reasons to keep writing

It has now come to an end
As I'm now closing off my story
Life of when I was young
The things I've felt and experienced

I hope to have provided comfort
To make people not feel alone
Show a reason to keep going
And that there is light at the end of the road

Thank you to my readers
For appreciating my words
Reading them, giving feedback
I love you all so much

I hope to do this again
To continue sharing my words
And have support on my journey
And give more reasons to keep going

Time to Fly means so much to me, and I really wish I could keep writing in it forever, but it has to come to an end. Thank you all for the reads, votes, and the support. You all make me want to continuing writing. I hope you guys will be able to come back to this and reread it as many times as you like. Maybe you can see improvement in my poetry that I've written in the past year. I love you all so much and I hope to continue writing more poetry books. Thank you <3

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