The Scent of You Still Lingers

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Is it all in my head?
Or are you really with me
Here in spirit, apart from death
The scent of you still lingers

If all I could see in the mirror
Could go beyond myself
Would you be staring back at me?
Is the cold you touching my shoulder?

Darling, how I write to you
Wishing to hear your voice again
To hear those three words be spoken
I only see you in my dreams

The scent of you still lingers
In my room, on my body
Memories of when you used to hold me
The things you said, I still repeat

Now I cry alone, missing your soul
Maybe you're here, I really don't know
I think I'm going crazy, I still feel you on my skin
And the scent of you still lingers
Is it all in my head?

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