A Spark of Hope

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Too many things have fallen apart
I ran out of glue to fix my heart
Tried adding numbers to get some answers
Took a walk to pick four leaf clovers

Maybe I could allow myself to move
Like a dandelion being blown in the wind
To a different mindset to say true goodbyes
I can look into your eyes and not feel this way

But my feet cannot walk
Nor can yours, we're here to stay
So I'll laugh and say "I love you"
And then cry at the end of the day

To then see a sign
That one day I could walk
But not run from the friend I love
The feelings could fade, and I can smile

Maybe adding up numbers did show me an answer
Or looking at the clock to show those three numbers
From the beings above to show me light
I will not lose this fight

Heart and mind always at battle
To gain hope that once was lost
Pain could truly fade to nothing
And I can still have you in my life

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