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Deathbringer woke up to the harsh sting of cold biting at his scales, the smell of a dead flame filling his nostrils. One glance showed that there were no materials left to restart and fuel the needed fire. With a slow, careful pull, he dislodged himself from Glory—only to have her roll over onto his back again.

Strolling, he built the fuel up again until he could blow a small flicker over the wood to ignite the material again. With a few blows, it was at a strong enough strength to start to dissipate the harsh sting of brass-monkeys.

There was a small movement from his back, Glory shivering against his scales.

"Deathbringer... It's so cold," she shivered. Her scales were blue and white, like frost covering her snout to tail-tip.

Lowering himself down, he got Glory of his back and onto the grass next to the flame. Her tail was subconsciously curling around her; a bid to warm herself quicker.

Deathbringer walked over to where the rest of the food was, some of the fish was still edible to the hardened stomach of a Nightwing war-veteran, but he didn't want to risk Glory - especially not in her current state. He passed over some leftover fruit towards her; watching as she carefully ruffled through the selection for her favourites.

After chugging down the slightly gone-off fish, he approached the flame again, watching Glory continue to shiver. His black scales were absorbing the heat, warming him nicely while Glory continued to suffer. Stretching out a wing, he tentatively rested it over her prone form, sheltering her from the cold winds.

"Thank you, Deathbringer." She mumbled inaudibly to anyone that does not have strained hearing.

"You're welcome, Glory," Deathbringer muttered back in reply.


As the sun rose in the distance, the dancing light twinkled over the pair of dragons scales. The racing gold and pink were flowing through the sky like the morning song of the Birds of Paradise.

"Deathbringer?" Glory asked, disrupting the silence that fell over the pair of dragons.

"Yes?" Deathbringer replied, his head turning in question.

"Being here reminds me of just how much you stayed with me through it all—stopping masses of dragons from getting to me. You protected me, you flew for hours straight, holding me—all of your free will and against your safety," she stated, turning to Deathbringer.

"Being here is just making my feelings stronger. I would do the same ten times over," Deathbringer said before whispering, "I promised myself when my Mom died, that the next person I feel for, I would stay with them, do anything for them. Including going against my whole tribe. You are the one that keeps me sane; you are the one that makes my heartbeat," Deathbringer said emotionally.

A sob caught in the back of Glory's throat as she fought to think of a reply to that admission. But her scales showed all that she left unspoke, positively humming in the light. She leaned back, resting her head against Deathbringer's shoulders as she allowed herself a few more hours sleep before their next leg of the flight.

As Glory drifted off to sleep on his shoulder, Deathbringer could not help the calming lull of her breathing and the soothing wave of the flame as she joined Glory in the land of sleep. 

As birds danced above their heads, the morning breeze blew gently over the pair, cooling the flame of the fire before letting it to sleep in a peaceful cloud of smoke.

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