The flight (Author's POV)

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Glory woke during the night to find that as much as she tried she could not get back to sleep. She went over to the one thing that may help her sleep, Deathbringer. The calming beat of his heart, the steady rise and fall of his chest. She nestled under his wing, laying her head on his chest. Closing her eyes she fell into the easiest sleep of her life.

(Deathbringer's POV)
I wake up to find that Glory has moved under my wing over the night. 'She is so cute when she's sleeping' I thought. "Deathbringer you awake?" She asked.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Ok, better go to breakfast." She said.
As we got up to leave she called over.
"Deathbringer, this sleep I had was my best yet." She said happily.
"Ok, thank you. Now let's get to breakfast." I said, slightly confused.

(Author's POV)
They headed off to breakfast, wing to wing. Glory regal blue with vanes of pink and Deathbringer, who if he was a RainWing he would not to be able to hold the pink from flooding through, trying not to blush at the thought of Glory sleeping with him. When they reached the food hall they saw Glory's friends were sitting, starting to eat their food. "Oh, we thought you'd be up later. Anyway, you can sit between Clay and Sunny." Tsunami told them, pointing to the gap.
"Ok." They replied almost one after the other. The others looked at each other, confused that Glory has not snapped at him yet. Deathbringer sat next to Clay and Glory next to Sunny.

(Deathbringer's pov)
We ate our food in silence till Glory started to cough, choking on the piece of cow she was eating. "Glory, you ok?" I panicked.
"Yes, I am." She said weakly.
You sure you're alright?" I questioned.
"Yes, Deathbr..." She managed to say before flopping onto me. I held her, realising she was asleep (again), I put her on my back.
"Is she ok?" Her friends asked worriedly.
"Yes, she is fine. This is what the illness is doing to her. But it will only get worse if she does not get to the cave." I said sadly.
"Oh, ok. Hope she gets well soon." They replied, looking at there talons.
"Best be off now," I said.

(Author's POV)
He started to walk down the hallway when he passed Jade Winglet he could not help but feel that someone was watching them. He ignored it, not wanting to wake Glory up.

(Kinkajou's POV)
'Is that Glory on Deathbringer's back. This can't be happening, my ship it has finally set sail' I thought before fainting.

(Author's POV)
Deathbringer flew for two hours straight before Glory finally started to wake up. "Deathbringer where are we?" She asked, starting to stand. She got to her knees only to fall of Deathbringer.
"Glory!?" Deathbringer shouted, scared.
"HELP! I can't fly." Glory panicked. Deathbringer collapsed his wings, falling into a dive. They fell until Glory was about to hit the floor when Deathbringer suddenly put on a burst of speed. He reached out to grab her, his talons just brushing her, they fell past the tree line, branches snapping as the dragons fell into them. It went silent no noise was heard, they didn't emerge even when a loud crash was heard and a dust cloud exploded into the air. He flew straight up, emerging from the dust, pounding his wings to gain height. His face showing no emotion, he glanced down at his talons. He sighed, seeing the unconscious Glory laying once again his arms.

(Deathbringer's POV)
'It's got worse, that's the second time today. She needs to get better soon, she has too, I can't live without her' I thought tears threatening to fall, 'My heart is breaking at the sight of her being so unwell'

I flew on for another thirty minutes before I had to take a break. My wings collapsed as I touched down on the grassy meadow. I laied down, drifting off to sleep with Glory laying next to me.

(Glory's POV)
I woke up, finding out that it was night, more surprising Deathbringer was still asleep. 'Protecting me, I know it's his job but he chose that of his own free will, this of his own free will. He is choosing me over himself, his freedom, his life. You can see that because it's dark and he's not awake. He is "the dragon of the night''' I thought, shocked.

I decided to let him sleep. I went off searching for food. I decided that I would get him at least two cows, three roasted fish and one NO two tons of fruit. I collected the food and three coconuts, I had left over, filled to the brim with fresh stream water.

When I got back with the last of the food, I saw Deathbringer awake, panicking. "GLORY, GLORY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He bellowed.
"Over here," I called out.
He looked over at me, visually calming down. Relief flooding through his scales. I landed next to him dropping the fish next to the fire I had started.
"Glory where were you? I looked all over for you." He asked worriedly.
"I decided that you needed more sleep and as a thank you I got you a buffet of food," I said, looking down, feeling bad for letting him wake up to find that I was not next to him.
"Oh ok," Deathbringer said, his voice calming down. Lifting my head gently and started, "Glory, you did nothing wrong. It just gave me a fright that's all. Really it was my fault for not believing in you." He looked down a silver tear falling down his snout.
"No! It's not your fault Deathbringer. It's never your fault and never will be! " I yelled, "You should never feel like that. Because it would never be true." With that, we started to eat. After we'd both finished we went back to sleep only this time I happily snuggled into his chest. "I love you Deathbringer."

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