Setting In

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Glory was the one that woke first, feeling something moving against her scales. Cracking open her eyes, she saw that two small birds were walking up and down her back. They looked to only be young.

She almost jumped when she felt something land on her snout—a large angry bird. "And there's the protective parent," Glory whispered as she shook her nose to get rid of the bird.

The bird squawked in her face before circling the younger birds causing all three of them to fly away.

Glory snorted to herself before slowly being lulled back to sleep by the gentle background.


This time it was Deathbringer's time to wake up. His wings felt heavy and stiff; with a glance, he saw why. Glory was laying on his back again.

An amusing thought bubbled around his head, 'she's always falling asleep and rolling onto my back.'

Deathbringer got up onto his feet, balancing Glory onto the centre of his back to avoid waking her. Flicking his tail, he swept away the mess that they had made before powering his wings down powerfully and jumping into the air.

He slowly glided through the air, riding on thermal pockets to smooth the flight out. Between zoning in and out, the journey felt short as the ravine soon came into view. Racking his brain, he remembered that there was a large stick acting as a lever to open the boulder from the outside.


The flight was calm, caught on the thermal pockets in the air, causing him to swirl lazily into the ravine. Stepping down, he felt Glory shift midland. He tried to reach for her, but her body tumbled off and into the thick mud next to the river.

Well, it woke her up.

The dragons in the neighbouring Kingdoms would be able to attest to that.

Throwing on his most robust poker face, Deathbringer asked, "Is everything alright, your Majesty?"

"Why am I in the mud?!" She exclaimed, the little number of scales visible turning a bright red. The red could be from anger or could be from embarrassment.

"While I was landing, you shifted and rolled off my back," Deathbringer explained.

"You use to be an assassin; your reflexes should be quick enough to prevent me from leaving your back," Glory stated, narrowing her eyes.

"There is only so much I can do midflight, and I'm not an assassin anymore," Deathbringer stated before cheekily adding, "and those you assassinate tend not to complain about falling into the mud."

"Well, this dragon does complain," Glory huffed before smirking and launching herself at Deathbringer.

The two tumbled into the mud, sniggering as both soon looked like Mudwings.

"You can not avoid the cave forever," Deathbringer pointed out.

"Maybe five more minutes?" Glory asked.

Deathbringer sighed, kicking out his legs; sending Glory right over his head into the river, "still want five more minutes?"

Glory floated back up, glaring at Deathbringer, "I think I'm good now."

Putting on his wounded dragonet look, he bowed his head slightly, "I really didn't mean for you to fall into the mud."

"Oh it's alright, you did not mean it just doesn't let it happen again. Okay?" She said, calming down blue spreading through her scales.

'Seems that it can work on her then,' he snickered to himself. "Okay," Deathbringer nodded, relieved. Brushing off as much of the mud as he could, they headed down the stone path to the cave.

Glorybringer a Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now