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Deathbringer slowly got to his feet, shaking the small stones out from between his scales. He watched the cave doorway with poorly hidden interest towards what Glory had run off to get.

Soon, Glory came back tentatively into the cave room, hiding something with her wing.

"What is it?" Deathbringer asked, slowly walking up towards Glory.

Glory took a deep breath before retrieving the object from her wing and showed Deathbringer the carving. The roaring Nightwing teeth and claws bared at the grown dragon before her as she mumbled quietly, "I made this during my final year in the cave."

Deathbringer slowly raised one of his talons, touching the delicate shape. "It's incredible, Glory," he stated, "you made this as a dragonet?" He muttered in slight awe."

"Yes, I thought if I showed I was something more than a useless Rainwing, then they would start showing respect," Glory stated, "but the better I got, the worse they got, I got looked down on."


Slowly, Glory lifted her wing, the tips shaking as she revealed a white scar, "Kestral left this on me. She lost her patients, threw one of the tables at me, it shattered, cutting into my skin. But when I yelled out in pain from broken bones, she grabbed me and chained me by my tail. No matter how much I tried, I wasn't the Skywing she wanted."


"No, I wasn't who she was promised, I let down our 'Parents' by being a Rainwing instead of a Skywing," Glory butted in, "I was left there for a week in the dark, semi-delirious as they untied me. I went a week in darkness with no one to talk to." Glory looked away, her wings drooping against the floor.

Deathbringer reached out and cupped Glory's jaw, "Glory, you're not a Skywing, and you will never be one."

Tears bubbled in Glory's eyes as she tried to look away again.

"No, hear me out," Deathbringer ordered, "you are not a Skywing, because you are Glory. Queen Glory of the Rainwings and Nightwings, Dragonet of Prophecy, hero, talented, friend and family; you."

Glory bit at her lip as tears slowly slipped down her scales.

"You are kind, caring. You see through the hardships of life, right through to who someone truly is," Deathbringer stated, "you grieve for the ones that raised you, don't you?"

"But I shouldn't!" Glory sobbed.

"But that's you! You know they faced hardships, you know how much it affected them and saw through to who they truly were," Deathbringer soothed, "you felt pain, and instead of reflecting it on others, you used it to help who you cared for."

Glory choked out a sob as her knees went beneath her, head resting against Deathbringer's chest. "Thank you-," she sobbed, "no one else knows about this; I never trusted them."

"I feel honoured to hold your trust," Deathbringer smiled.

Glory chuckled as her sobs dried to hiccups. "I wouldn't go that far."

Deathbringer stumbled onto his back, sighing dramatically as Glory fell onto his chest. "You wound me."

Glory giggled as she mockingly patted Deathbringer on the shoulder, "there, there, big guy."

Deathbringer could not help the few chuckles that left his snout. Slowly, he raised one wing to wrap around the two of them.

Glory batted away the wing with her own, staring Deathbringer in the eye, "don't push it."


The two waited in silence for their breaths to calm. From the skylight, they watched the sky turn all the colours of the setting sun before stars slowly started to sparkle into view. The room was dark, the only light being the stars and the light bugs around the room.

"We should put away the food and then go sleep," Deathbringer pointed out.

"Yeah, I feel too restless to sleep, though," Glory stated.

"Maybe we could try some model carving?" Deathbringer offered, "I could collect some wood from outside, and we could both give it a shot?"

"Alright," Glory nodded, picking up the bag of fruit and taking it away to the storage area.

Deathbringer quickly hurried after her, dragging the rest of the food along.

"Ha Ha laugh it up, laugh it up. Let's go put this food away. I will even go and get some wood for you. Let's see how well you can do those models now; it will be something to do. I will even give it ago." I said, picking up most of the food.


Soon, they were both settled with a log before them. They were facing opposite walls as not to be able to see each other's work.

"Are you done?" Deathbringer called across the room to Glory.

"Yeah, you done then?" She replied.

"Yes," Deathbringer nodded as they both headed towards the centre of the room to showcase their work.

With a count of three, they both revealed their work.

Glory had made another Nightwing sculpture, picturing Deathbringer mid-attack.

Deathbringer had made a dragon sitting with a feathery crown upon their head.

"Wow, Glory you made this? It's incredible." He said.

"Thank you," Glory said, looking away pink bubbling on the tips of her wings, "I needed something to show my thanks for stepping in to look after me."

"Oh, Glory I don't need anything like that. Being able to spend all day with you is enough," he said, turning Glory's snout to face him.

"I think it would be a good time to go sleep now," Glory muttered moving away from the conversation.

"Okay, the larger sleeping quarters are down there, aren't they?" Deathbringer asked, pointing to one of the side ones.

"Yes, I'll take the first on the left, you can take whichever," Glory nodded, starting to walk away to the room mentioned. Glory shuffled around the room, dragging furs over the cold rocks, shuffling until she felt comfortable.

"Good night, Glory," Deathbringer called from the room across from hers.

"Good night," Glory mumbled back as she sleeped into the world of dreams.

Glorybringer a Wings of Fire storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя