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Glory watched as the bolder closed behind her friends, keeping her locked within. She stood there momentarily, thinking she might not see her friends again until after her time in the cave.

"You alright?" Deathbringer asked, coming to stand next to Glory.

Glory turned to look at Deathbringer. "I guess it is just settling in, how much I am separated from everyone." She looked back at the boulder, "my friends run a school; they don't have the time to visit. I'm not constantly bombarded by my people, I'm locked away from them."

Deathbringer grinned over at Glory. "Don't worry, my Queen; I'll keep you company."

"There are only so many times I can look at a bodyguard without getting bored," Glory said, turning away before walking further into the cave.

Deathbringer bit his tongue, trying to keep his face neutral as Glory walked away.


They continued their routine, except Glory noticed that Deathbringer stayed clear of her. He was in the shadows, not coming up to eat until she'd had her fill.

Glory walked out of the room towards the main hall. Once she was away, she let the cave cover her. Moving back into the room, she noticed that Deathbringer was eating. As silent, as she could, she moved closer to him. She relaxed, dropping her cover. "Is something up?" She asked, reaching for a dried grapefruit.

Deathbringer looked down, placing his goat back onto the stone slate. "Nothing, my Queen," he said, returning to resume his position.

Glory grabbed Deathbringer's arm, stopping him from leaving. "You're avoiding me,"

Deathbringer glanced at Glory before looking away again. "I thought you didn't want to look at your bodyguard?"

Glory frowned, walking so that she was facing Deathbringer face-on. "You know you're more than just a bodyguard, more than that for me?"

"You have a strange way of expressing that," Deathbringer huffed.

"I'm sorry that kidnapped as an egg and held hostage until dragonet-hood, and master assassin doesn't know how to express emotions," Glory growled before calming and lifting her wing, revealing a pale scar across the length of her side. "What did that?"

Deathbringer looked at the scar, recognising it from when Glory described her life in the cave. "A chain from when they hit you for being a lazy RainWing."

"I haven't told my friends, my siblings, about that. Yet I let you," Glory said, jabbing Deathbringer in the neck, "a dragon sent to kill me, about it over the dragons I hatched with and grew up around."

"Why did you tell me?" Deathbringer asked, "you even admitted I was sent to kill you."

"Because you defied your own family, your tribe. You went against years of training and defied everything for me," Glory said, "because I like you more than a bodyguard, more than some friend!"

Deathbringer looked away, whispering, "I promised myself that the next person I loved, I'd do anything I could to keep them alive, even if it killed me. I would not let them go, let them die because of some mission."

Glory looked at Deathbringer closely, how he was shaking. She reached over, softly moving Deathbringer's head around so that the dragon was looking at her. "What happened?"

"I was foolish and put the mission first," Deathbringer sighed, "she got struck by lightning, crash landing. I tried to slow her down, but I had no hope of slowing down the fall of a fully grown NightWing. Later, I watched as a group of dragons killed my mother. I was only a dragonet at the time; it changed me. I tried to avoid everyone so I'd never feel that weak again." Deathbringer looked up, staring at Glory. "But when I met you on that ice cliff, I knew something was different; then, when I met the real you, as you pinned me, I knew I'd do anything for you. The walls around me crumbled at your touch."

Glory looked at Deathbringer as the dragon closed his eyes. "I— thank you for telling me," she said; she ran her claw over his cheek, brushing away the tear that fell. "Let's get something to eat; I know you hardly touched your goat."


Glory rested in the sunspot, stretching out her wings as she lay down. She moved her head to stare towards the mouth of the room, and she could see part of the cave mouth bolder if she strained her eyes.

Less than a week left before she needed to head back to become Queen again. As much as she hated being locked up like this, she enjoyed the relative freedom this gave her. She could be herself, not worrying about putting a face on.
She was able to do what she wanted when she wanted without worrying about how it would affect her schedule or the kingdom.

And Glory is not sure what her dragons would think about her rekindled passion for wood sculpturing, what with them being so passionate about keeping the forest as untouched as possible.
She could hardly fly back carrying her old sculptures or ask a RainWing to bring her wood to make more.

Maybe, she'll leave them out when the RainWing nurses visit in a few days, casually bring up wood sculpturing in the conversation and see how they would react. That should give her a basic idea of how she should go ahead with her hobby.

Glory grinned, stretching out further. That is what she'll do.


It went wrong so fast. The nurses hated the idea of carving wood in such away, and Glory could only calm them by reassuring them that the tree was dead and had no more use before it was cut.

But on the bright side, she'd received the good news that she looked to be fully healed, and by the end of the month, she'll be able to leave the cave to return to the rainforest and her royal duties.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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