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Chosen Out Of The Blue


Nabi let out a heavy breath as she ran a hand through her damp hair. She was worn out and exhausted, but she refused to rest. They were given new choreography to learn and she blamed the perfectionist in her because she wanted every step to be perfect before she had to perform it in front of the evaluators. It was definitely J-Hope's nagging voice in the back of her mind.

It was almost 2 AM in the morning, and Nabi knew so many people who would be scolding her right about now if they knew. For example, J-Hope himself. He would remind Nabi that no matter how much she practiced getting enough sleep was more important. She could also hear Namjoon's strict leadership voice and Jin's about-to-rap-in anger speech. She could even imagine Jungkook's head shaking and glaring if he ever caught her overexerting herself like this (not like he hadn't done it himself) but still, Nabi pushed those thoughts aside.

She knew her limits better than anyone, right?

But even so, if Yeji or Chaeryeong found out that she was still awake and practicing at this ungodly hour there was no way she'd be alive by tomorrow.

"Just one more time," she muttered to herself as the song ended.

Nabi was lying on the floor, tired and uncomfortable, she quickly got up to go and rewind the song on her phone, but stopped when she noticed a figure standing in the doorway.

It was a boy of average height, which meant that he was a lot shorter than anyone in BTS, except for maybe Jimin. He had curly blonde hair, warm eyes, and a warm smile on his face.

It was Bang Chan.

Nabi recognized the older boy immediately. He was famous throughout the entire building, especially to the trainees. He'd been in the company for about six years already and he was good friends with two of the GOT7 members, but while they debuted he didn't. So here he was still waiting and training until he found a group of his own.

She had no idea how he managed to do it. To keep on training despite knowing that, that's all he could ever end up doing. Just train and get nowhere. The debuting process was extremely long and extremely brutal with only one out of how many trainees actually making it to the final round. And even then there was no guarantee.

Nabi watched the world-famous BTS go down the same road. She promised Jungkook that if she hadn't made it in her first three years, she'd give up and do something else that she loved. Her brother didn't want her to go down a devastating road of false hope, praying that every year would be her last. She promised him but they both knew it was probably a promise she'd end up breaking when the time came.

Unfortunately, Nabi wasn't someone who gave up on things easily or really ever.

"I'm Bang Chan," the boy introduced himself.

Nabi nodded before quickly bowing. "I know, you're kind of famous around here."

He laughed and Nabi enjoyed the warm sound that came from him. It suited a person like Bang Chan, to be warm and comforting.

"I guess I've been here long enough. You're Jeon Nabi, aren't you?"

"I am," Nabi smiled brightly.

She was happy that someone like Bang Chan actually knew her name. Though she wondered if it was her own name that caught his attention or the name that she shared with her brother.

"You have an amazing voice," Chan paused before exaggerating, "I'm not kidding, it's really amazing. Do you know how many people would kill to have a voice like yours?"

Nabi was slightly confused but kept on smiling. "Have you heard me sing before?"

"Yeah, I've heard you a couple of times. Every time I pass this room, I stop and listen. Your voice is immensely captivating but not only your voice, I've watched you, you're a fantastic dancer, too."

Nabi's face went red because of Chan's compliments. Her eyes suddenly averted to the floor and her fingers started to play with each other. She was shy. "Thank you," she managed out. A compliment from a trainee like Chan was like winning the lottery on the first try.

"I have an offer for you," Chan said, his smile fading to a serious expression. "Today JYP PD-nim called me into his office. He's letting me create a group for the showcase next year. I want you to be in it."

It took Nabi a full minute to realize what the older boy was proposing to her. "Your team?" she asked. "A boy's team?"

"Yes," Chan nodded, again a smile on his face.

"I don't understand," Nabi admitted and frowned. "Is that even allowed? Did PD-Nim say you could invite a girl to your team? Is he trying to make it a co-ed group?"

"Not exactly," Chan tried to explain. "He said to choose the ones who have the most potential. And you just happen to be one of those. It doesn't matter that you're a girl and not a boy. You have brilliant talent, Nabi. Both your singing and dancing are on another level!"

Nabi loved the compliments. After all, the singing might have come naturally to her but the dancing not so much. It took a bit of work (a lot more than a bit, if you asked J-Hope), and she really wanted to jump at this opportunity, but was it the right choice for her? She had no clue.

"I'm not sure," Nabi replied hesitantly. "It's supposed to be an all-boy group. If you keep looking amongst the boy trainees I'm sure you'll find someone even better than me. I really appreciate the offer though, Chan Sunbae-nim."

She made a move to fetch her phone and just call it a night, or was it a morning now? But Chan took a step forward and blocked her path. He refused to give up, especially that easily.

"Nabi," his voice softened ridiculously. "You're a miracle among the other trainees. You've only been at this for a year now and already you're so talented. Your vocals, your footwork, and your stamina. It's something that most people have to practice years for. Besides, if we win the showcase next year we get to debut! Isn't that the whole point of all of this training?"

"You're really sure you want me to be on your team?" Nabi asked softly.

"I am," Chan replied to her in full confidence.

"What about the other members of your team? The boys. How are they going to react to a girl in an all-boy group?"

"I've already chosen you, Nabi. My mind won't change," Chan said simply. He was serious. "The boys will see why that is."

Maybe this was fate.

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