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Hyunjin's Graduation

Hyunjin walked up the staircase as cameras snapped and lights flashed in his face. Nabi and Jeongin were waiting for him already. He'd just graduated and the two maknaes were there for it as well as a dozen reporters and also some fans.

"Congratulations oppa!" Nabi smiled at Hyunjin.

"Yeah, hyung. You're leaving us now," Jeongin said with a pout.

Hyunjin chuckled as he ruffled the second youngest's hair. It was true now that Hyunjin had graduated only Nabi and Jeongin were left going to school. Luckily they attended the same school so they weren't alone, but still, Hyunjin was always there passing through the hallways of SOPA and checking up on them. That was gone now because today he had officially graduated.

"Don't be sad," Hyunjin told them.

"We'll graduate soon," Nabi grinned as she handed the older member a bouquet of flowers. Just like with Seungmin's graduation, she made their manager-nim stop to get her flowers for her member's big day.

"Thank you," Hyunjin said before he got handed a mic.

The reporters were eager to ask their questions and get the idol's answers.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Stray Kids, Hyunjin."

Question: How does it feel to be graduating?

"First, I'm very happy to be graduating. And... uh," Hyunjin's mind went a little blank with the pressure of all eyes on him and Nabi squeezed his arm to calm him down. He shot her a grateful smile before carrying on. "Honestly, it hasn't sunk in that I'm graduating and it makes me a little nervous. Thank you to all the people who came today. I'll continue to do my best and promote as much as I can. Thank you," Hyunjin said again.

Question: Did the other members congratulate you?

"Of course!" Hyunjin nodded. "They congratulated me a lot. From last week already and last night they were sad they couldn't come because of our busy schedule. They gave me gifts too. They're very supportive and I have our two maknaes with me right now so I'm happy."

Nabi and Jeongin bowed their heads to the camera with polite smiles. It was awkward but they were determined not to care because they wanted to celebrate Hyunjin's graduation with him.

Question: How does it feel to see your member graduate before you?

"We're happy for him," Jeongin said. "Hyunjin hyung has worked really hard and he deserves it."

"We're really proud of him," Nabi added. "I'm sad that we won't see him at school anymore but I'm happy that he graduated."

Hyunjin smiled at the two. His heart warmed at their sweet and encouraging words before the three quickly wrapped up the questions. The staff guided them into a car as soon as Hyunjin received his graduation certificate.

Nabi clapped her hands, squealing and hugging Hyunjin inside the car. Hyunjin chuckled and hugged their maknae princess back with a big smile.

"Congratulations hyung!" Jeongin said.

"Thanks, I.N-ah. Thank you, Nabi-yah. Both of you coming meant a lot to me," Hyunjin told them sincerely.

"Of course."

Hyunjin had finally graduated, yet another Stray Kid who was legally an adult now. Now it was just Jeongin and Nabi but that would only happen next year some time, the two maknaes weren't in a rush though.

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