Incorrect Quotes #3

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Nabi: Are you alright? I don't think you slept at all last night.

Chan: I got a solid eight minutes.

Nabi: ...

Chan: Not consecutively but still, I'm fine.

Chan: You're not even that blurry right now.

Hyunjin to Seungmin: for someone who is 70% water you don't look very refreshing.


Seungmin: Water can't be burnt.

Han: ....


Chan: Guys what would Nabi be called if she was pasta?

Rest of SKZ: What?

Chan, laughing on the floor: Maknaeroni

Rest of SKZ: ....

Minho: Pack your things I'm the new leader.

Minho: They say patience is a virtue.

Minho: But in my humble opinion, the meaning of patience--

Hyunjin: Hurry up!


Nabi: That shirt looks really good on you, Lee Know oppa.

Minho: Thanks, princess.

Nabi: But you know what would look even better? If it was lying on Han's bedroom floor.

Han: Nabi, stop hitting on hyung for me it's embarrassing.

Minho: ...

Minho: I can make it happen though.

Han: ...

Nabi: What's a thot?

Seungmin: It's a thoughtful person.

*Later at the dinner table*

Changbin: Here's the salt, Nabi.

Nabi: Thanks oppa, you're such a thot!

Changbin: *chokes on his food*

Chan: Can I be frank with you guys?

Han: I don't know how changing your name helps.

Felix: Why do you need so many names anyway?

Jeongin: Can I still be Jeongin?

Nabi: I want to still be Nabi.

Hyunjin: Guys, shhh let Frank speak!

Jeongin: I have no fears.

Nabi: What if I woke up one day and I was taller than you?

Jeongin: I have one fear.

*Seungmin suddenly hugs Nabi out of nowhere*

Nabi: What are you doing?

Seungmin: I'm appreciating the little things in life.

Nabi: I'd hurt you but you have my arms pinned down.

Seungmin: I know.

Nabi: Changbin oppa can you help me get the coffee from the top shelf?

Changbin: Must feel sad to be short, huh?

Nabi: ...

Changbin: ...

Changbin: Hyunjin can you help me get the coffee from the top shelf?

Nabi: I'm so glad I chose Hyunjin as my bias!

Hyunjin: Awe thanks, Nabi!

Nabi, holding her Loona poster: I wasn't talking about you.

Hyunjin: ...

Nabi: I love you but you're the wrong Hyunjin.

Hyunjin: Rude but I love you too.

Felix: I'm ambidextrous.

Nabi: Really, since when?

Felix: Since I could dab on both sides.

Nabi: Oppa when butterflies are in love do they have humans in their stomachs?

Han: ...

Nabi: Sorry, I haven't slept yet.

Han: No, it's a valid question.

Minho: So you have 12 apples and you give your boyfriend 6 of them, what do you have then?

Nabi, tearing up: A boyfriend.

Minho: ...

Han: Aigoo, you made her cry.

Changbin: I haven't slept in seventy-three hours.

Han: Lucky, I'm on my eighteenth hour now.

Nabi: Ninety. Democratically elected leader of insomnia.

Chan: Kids, it's been ninety-nine for me. I'm going for an even one hundred.

Seungmin: You guys are freaking scary.

[2:47 AM]

Nabi: You know there exists an alternative universe where 3RACHA is Soonie, Doongie, and Dori while you guys are Lee Know hyung's cats.

Chan, sighing: Nabi--

Minho, petting Han and Changbin while they sleep: No, let her speak.

Felix: But what about Nabi?

Jeongin: Don't worry about Nabi. I once watched her break a heel, fall down a flight of stairs on her face, stand up again, fix her hair, and carry on eating her tteokbokki like nothing happened. She'll be fine.

Chan: So, Nabi, how was school today?

Nabi: This girl pushed me down.

Chan: Did you push her back?

Nabi: No, but Jeongin did. He got detention for it and I feel really bad.

Chan: Uh-huh. Changbin?

Changbin, cracking his knuckles: I'm on it.

Hyunjin: I'll bring the frying pan.

Felix: Frying pan?

Hyunjin, shrugging: It makes a good weapon.

Minho: Who needs a weapon when we have our bare hands?

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