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New Members, One After Another

Late 2016

Around four months after Nabi joined, Chan managed to find two more members to join their group. Just like with Nabi, Chan had discovered another talent by just walking around the building and stopping at just the right time.

The person he had found was a boy called Hwang Hyunjin, someone with incredible dancing skills and heavenly visuals. And no kidding, the boy was beautiful. One minute Hyunjin could be cute, then the next sexy, and then full-on aesthetic.

For some reason as soon as Hyunjin was introduced to them, he got on well with Minho and Changbin, but he sort of gravitated toward Nabi. He would be talking to Chan about the choreography one minute and then the next he would be wandering in circles around Nabi until practice officially started. Maybe he was just nervous, she guessed.

And maybe Nabi took a liking to him because, on his first day within the first hour, he and Han clashed. They immediately started arguing about one another's rapping style and dance moves. Chan had faith that things between them would get better or that Han would simply ignore Hyunjin like he ignored Nabi, but that wasn't the case. It was almost like Han enjoyed provoking the boy.

Which later led to the two famous lines between them. No matter when or how, Han and Hyunjin, would always find the time to argue and call each other out. "Rap Better" and "Dance Better". At first, it was kind of amusing to watch but the more time that went by the more annoying it got. "Rap Better" and "Dance Better" that's all the two would say before actually trying to physically fight one another. Luckily, Minho and Changbin stopped them before Chan came into the room and saw them. But babying the two boys was getting exhausting.

And that's when Chan found yet another trainee to join them. The seventh member of their group was a boy named Kim Seungmin. With wonderful vocal cords as well as a savageness that would get Nabi laughing no matter what.

He was definitely a perfect pick on Chan's part.

Nabi could tell that Seungmin wasn't exactly quite sure what to make of her, but then she invited him to sing with her. They both needed to practice their vocal skills anyway and with a little shove from Chan, Seungmin agreed.

His eyes immediately went wide when he let Nabi go first. She started off with the first verse while he was going to take over from the third one, but he never expected the vocal range he was hearing from her.

"Wait! Just stop for a minute!" Seungmin told her and cut Nabi off just as she got to the third line of the first verse.

"What, what's wrong?" she asked with a confused face. "Did I miss one of the notes? I can do it again."

"No, it's... " Seungmin paused, he wasn't one to compliment someone like this but he couldn't help it. "No, it was great. I just never expected your voice to be this powerful. Really your voice is like warm honey. I know girl trainees who would kill for what you have."

"So I've been told," Nabi shyly muttered.

"Let me start with the first and the second verse," Seungmin offered. "Your voice will be better suited with the third, fourth, and the fifth verses. Okay?"

"Okay," Nabi nodded.

After Seungmin and Nabi's small singing session, it was time for lunch. As usual, Nabi sat with Changbin and Minho until Minho left them for Han. Seungmin joined them too and his remarks kept Nabi and Changbin entertained, but it was sometime during the laughter that Nabi noticed they were missing one of their members. Hyunjin hadn't come out for lunch yet.

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