40. (THE 9TH) S4 EP.05

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Free Day/Changing Roommates

Nabi walked into one of the shared rooms as Minho fell down on the empty bunk bed. Hyunjin was lying in the opposite bed while Han and Changbin were sprawled out on blankets on the floor. It was already morning but everyone was feeling rather lazy today. Nabi collapsed on the floor beside the boys and Han opened his arms for her. She wriggled closer and cuddled into him with her head on his outstretched arm.

It still seemed like yesterday when the two couldn't even be in the same room together but now they were the clingiest out of everyone. Just like how Han and Hyunjin were now best friends but were once enemies. It really felt impossible because of how close Stray Kids were to each other like they'd known one another their whole lives.

"Oppa, sing a song," Nabi muttered.

"A song?" Han asked.


"It's right here, it's time, it's a... it's a... it's ahhhhh!" Han sang in a high pitch that made Nabi wince and put a hand to her ear. She wanted him to seriously sing her a song. Nabi really liked Han's voice when he vocalized but right now he was in a joking mood and kept singing random words just to annoy everyone for fun. "Humidifier! Delicious pork! Ahhhhaaahhhhaaa--"

Hyunjin turned around in bed and threw out his arms as he slapped a hand over Han's mouth to keep him quiet. Nabi laughed at the sight, especially the way Hyunjin was falling out of bed like some kind of weasel. 

Eventually, though even Hyunjin gave up with Han and just rested his head against the boy's stomach. They were all awake anyway, probably for a good two hours or so already but no one really wanted to do much today. It was a free day, a day where they could all just relax and enjoy each other's annoying company.

"I love LA rib," Han said out of nowhere.

"LA rib?" Changbin repeated.

Nabi grinned with a giggle as a thought crossed her mind. "Do you like LA Lee Know?" she asked in English. Immediately she, Changbin, and Hyunjin burst out laughing. It took Han and Minho a second to catch on but when they did they shared a look before chuckling too.

The laughter died down as Hyunjin removed himself from Han and scooted back onto his bed. Minho was playing with his phone as Han and Changbin kept talking and Nabi texted Chaeryeong and sent her a selfie of the puppy pile she was a part of with the two boys on the floor squishing her between them.

"Oh!" Han suddenly exclaimed and lightly punched Changbin in the arm over Nabi's head. "Didn't we decide to change it up today?"

"Right, we're changing roommates today," Changbin said.

"I don't want to!" Nabi and Hyunjin groaned in perfect sync.

"You don't want to?" Minho asked coming back to the conversation.

Nabi shook her head with a pout but she got ignored as Han and Changbin quickly detached themselves and climbed to their feet.

"Ah, my legs are numb!" Changbin complained.

"Let's go."

Nabi really didn't want to change roommates. She had Minho and Seungmin and she was really happy rooming with them. They were neat, quiet, and calm. And whenever Nabi couldn't sleep because of her insomnia she'd climb in next to Minho or sometimes even Seungmin. The two members knew Nabi's nighttime habits well and she was also used to their habits too. But Chan brought up the idea of swapping and changing last week sometime. He thought maybe it would be a good change for everyone to try and find out which room and which roommates suited them best.

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