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JYP vs YG Battle

(Jeon Nabi's interview's in bold)

The JYP vs YG Battle had been a shock of a century for Stray Kids. That was their group's official name now. Stray Kids. Nabi loved it. But what she didn't love was this battle and the pressure it was putting everyone under. It wasn't very often the two companies went against each other like this and it was very unlucky for Stray Kids to be caught up in it.

On the one hand, it gave them popularity and experience but then on the other hand it could also embarrass and destroy them. Nabi definitely hoped it wasn't the latter for her group. Because when Chan was informed to prepare some dance routines, Nabi could already feel the stress and panic he was going through.

Everything had to be perfect. There was no place for even the smallest of mistakes if they wanted JYP to consider debuting them. And thankfully, they managed to come up with some performances to show off at YG. It was all so last minute but everyone worked their literal butts off for an entire week on it.

The vocal round was just about to start.

YG's group, Treasure, had just finished their own vocal round. They were good. YG and JYP were talking to Bang Yedam about his singing when Nabi noticed how Han was shaking next to her. He was nervous and of course, he was, she was nervous too. Nabi subtly reached her hand out to hold Han's own hand. He shot her a look before quickly accepting the comfort. He definitely needed it, especially now that Minho wasn't with them anymore.

The next thing they knew, three of them were standing in front of JYP and YG. Chan introduced himself first, then Han, and then Nabi. YG was surprised and he shot a questioning look toward JYP. Probably wondering what a girl was doing in a boy group, but JYP just tilted his head. He had an expression that basically translated into "I'll explain later" and YG hesitantly nodded before continuing.

"Which YG girl group song did you prepare?" YG asked.

"We wanted to go with the trends," Nabi explained. "So we went with BLACKPINK'S (As If It's Your Last)."

"Ah, BLACKPINK'S As If It's Your Last," YG repeated as he wrote something down on the paper in front of him. "In this program, members can be eliminated, right?" YG looked up at them and asked.

A long nervous pause blanketed the room. They'd just lost a member, they didn't need to lose another one. And what for this time? Nabi bit her lip and unconsciously clenched her fist as they waited for YG's next words.

"Ah, yes," Chan hesitantly confirmed.

"I hope it won't turn out to be like this song," YG said trying to joke with them. As If It's Your Last. He chuckled and the entire room felt like they could breathe again, especially the three staring at YG. Han put a hand on his rapidly beating heart as Chan and Nabi both let out a sigh of relief. They pretended to find YG's humor funny and forced themselves to smile and laugh.

"Okay, then let's take a look," JYP interrupted. He was honestly trying to save the situation at this point and Chan, Han, and Nabi nodded in agreement.

The three of them got into their positions with Nabi and Han at the forefront and Chan behind them at the keyboard. Nabi and Han both kept their heads down as they waited for Chan to start with the music.

"Let's start," Chan announced.

BLACKPINK'S song immediately filled the room. Nabi went down on one knee and Han turned on the spot as the two began the dance routine that went with the song. Nabi held the microphone to her lips as she started to sing, Chan soon followed, and Han then took over when it was time to rap.

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