Chapter 8

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  While we were talking, I heard noises from the hallway. I could feel that he had a lot more to say and I wanted to continue the conversation, but the noises in the hallway were getting louder and louder and it seemed like something was urgent.

  We both quickly got out and saw some masked people dressed in two color clothes, black and purple, and each one of them had the same symbol tattooed on their neck, the symbol of the Shadow Council. I had seen this sign in a book I was reading the day before.

  This sign was actually a circle with a U in the middle, from the ends of which protruded small wavy horns, and drawn with two horizontal lines.

  They caught us all off guard, but most of us were lucky that they were still in the training room and were able to grab weapons, swords, and silver cored arrows right away.

  In the small rooms with weapons, silver predominated, as most species of supernatural beings were severely affected by this precious metal.

  But we, coming from the office, did not have time to get our weapons.

  As soon as I saw our fellows being attacked, my adrenaline started to rise again and I transformed.

   The next second I jumped on the shoulders of one of the intruders closest to me and ripped his head off his shoulders.

  All this while another was aiming his bow and arrows at me. My luck was that Caty noticed in time and created a shield around me, causing the arrow to bounce back at him, killing him.

  Karina was hovering in a corner with her hands raised at shoulder level and was continuously saying something in another language. At the end, she whispered, "choose the dark path," and then immediately, several shadows came out of her hands, engulfing the intruders, blinding them, and some shadows took their souls.

  Caleb was still standing in the office doorway, and in a second he was covered in fire. With a howl, he turned into a very fierce orange dragon.

  He lunged at them spitting flames, but he didn't know they had fireproof suits. So he ended up in their midst, covered with silver chains that his enemies had thrown over him.

  When I saw this, the anger from the first time I transformed returned to me, only it was much stronger. My eyes went black, I started to howl uncontrollably and I felt more power than I could control. With a leap, I ran my claws through everyone around him trying to pull him out.

  They fell to the ground wide open, and I immediately lifted the silver chains from Caleb. In all this madness I hadn't even noticed that I wasn't affected by the silver, but I didn't even care if it was going to burn my hands.

  Eventually we noticed that there were no more enemies inside, but we expected that they had called for reinforcements. But that didn't happen, no one else showed up.

  Lying on the ground next to the enemies were about three of our colleagues. I felt extremely sorry for them, I had become friends with all of them.

  They were good people and their loss had affected me.

  On the other hand, the pain was much greater when I saw Caleb on the ground, turning back into a human. He was full of wounds and losing a lot of blood.

  In my demonic form I picked him up and asked Caty to bring me the first aid kit from his office. I knew that in human form I didn't have enough strength to pick him up, so I made no effort to turn back into a human.

  I picked him up and carefully placed him on the sofa in the office. He was awake, but did not realize what was happening around him.

  Caty immediately arrived with the first aid kit and I was trying my best to turn back into a human. I thought I had failed completely as my eyes were completely red but I would find out something shocking about it later.

  At that moment I didn't care how I looked, I just wanted my claws to go away so I could take care of Caleb properly and not hurt him any worse.

  After leaving the kit, Caty went out to help the other colleagues who were injured, move the bodies and clean up, leaving me alone with Caleb and telling me to call her if I needed her.

  I cleaned his wounds, bandaged him and gave him an injection of a sedative. Finally, when the sedative took effect and he fell asleep, I managed to calm down a bit.

  When I realized with my clear mind what had just happened, I began to weep bitterly which would free my soul a little more.

  Unconsciously, I caught myself talking to him, knowing he couldn't hear me because of the sedatives:

  "Oh love of my soul, don't leave me, don't leave me! Don't leave me alone in this unknown world, because I can't do it alone. Even though you may not have the same feelings for me, my love for you gives me strength to go on. When I see you I forget everything, all my problems disappear, if you leave you will take my soul with you, do you hear me? Don't leave me, don't leave us. Everyone needs you, get well and join us again!”

  I ended this heartfelt monologue with a few bitter sobs. As I watched him I felt a crazy urge to kiss him and I acted without thinking too much.

  His lips were so soft, so smooth, that as soon as I touched them with my lips a shiver went through my whole body, I felt as if I had stuck my fingers into the socket and had been electrocuted.

  I let my lips pair with his for a few seconds, all this while, without me knowing, his wounds begun to heal under the bandages I had placed on him.

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