Chapter 26

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  One by one, they all started coming up with ideas. I had noticed that they all began to agree with my plan and began to trust that it would work.

  - We could create a website, said one of the crowd. We can create a private connection where only those in these communities have access.

  - I don't think it's a good idea, I answered. It's impossible that there isn't a hacker on the Council, and we'd probably talk to them, thinking we're talking to our peers.

  - We could personally go to other cities, maybe even to other countries to look for them, another voice was heard.

  -We will take that into consideration, if we don't find another solution. But for now it's too dangerous to go out.

  - I think I have a better idea, said someone else. I have the power to control demons on Earth just like Karina. The two of us can work together and send them out into the world to find these communities. We will send them coded letters so that if they are caught by the Council, they will not be able to decipher what is written there.

  - That's a great idea!

  Then I turned my gaze to Karina:

  - What do you think about this?

  - We can try, she said. After all, this is the safest solution.

  -Good, then we will also need help with the wording of the letter.

  Here I let them materialize their ideas. I just watched them, but there was no need for my intervention either, so they started talking among themselves:

  - Let's write a letter on the harness, then see how we change it.

  One of them started writing on a piece of paper while the others spoke their ideas. The first letter looked something like this:

        "Dear friends,
    Given the fact that those in the Council have installed fear and terror into all the descendants of the participants of the revolution, we want to regain our rights and we hope that you will help us.
    We would like to meet with representatives of your communities to discuss the details. In exchange for our meetings, we will give you 100% protection, a barrier that cannot be penetrated by enemies."

  - Now let's look at the letter and see what style we will approach, said the one who wrote.

  -Of course, they will think that it is easier to use technology and they will not understand the point of the letter, said another colleague of ours. So let's make it a formal letter. A letter from businessmen who have problems with their companies.

  One by one, they all began to speak their minds:

  - We should express ourselves with "dear associates".

  -Terror and fear could be businesses on the brink of collapse. The Council could be the Government of the people.

  -The plan and details could be about how to get business back on its feet.

  -Protection can be a refinance, which will guarantee a 100% gain.

  -Good, and now the end. Where will we tell them to come?

  - Being a businessman, let's tell them to meet in a luxury location, in a country where we can hunt. Let's add this to the letter as a hint that we want to "hunt" the Council.

  -Good, then Karina can go teleport them here. This is the end result:

        "Dear Associates,
    Given that the Government has brought us to the brink of bankruptcy and business has declined, we would like to meet to help each other get our businesses back on their feet.
    We are ready to offer refinancing with a 100% win rate, which cannot be matched by any other competing company. I invite you to my luxury mansion in Canada, where we will also have a hunting party, in seven days, at 5:00 pm."

  I also read the final result and it seemed fine. I was just hoping that others will figure it out too and not think it was some kind of joke.

  Given the gravity of the situation and the fact that they are in great danger, I think they will look for help, however small, anywhere.

  Karina took her partner and they went out the other side of the barrier to summon some demons and tell them what to do.

  They also took Caty for protection, and we watched them from the inside, ready to act if needed.

  Fortunately everything went well, there were no incidents, and the demons left to fulfill their mission and the three entered the building, where they were safe.

  We each went back to what we were doing. I had taken my leadership role seriously, with help from my two best friends, of course.

  In particular, I dealt with the two newcomers who behaved exactly as I did at first: they were confused, scared, had a lot of questions, but at the same time they were willing to cooperate.

  They made great progress in those seven days, but I still did not think of taking them with us when we fight the first battle.

  That week passed quickly and it was getting close to the time we had to go to the meeting place.

  Caty insisted that only she and Karina go, because, she said, if something went wrong, she couldn't risk losing me and letting the Brotherhood go down the drain.

  Normally I wouldn't have agreed with her on that but she had very good arguments and convinced me to stay at the headquarters of the Brotherhood.

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