Chapter 14

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  When I arrived, I pulled a bottle of champagne out of the cupboard and Caleb followed me, with two glasses in his hand.

  -Can we be completely honest tonight, please? I started the conversation as I uncorked the champagne bottle. Let's just free our feelings tonight, and tomorrow when we wake up, we'll forget about tonight, if that's what you want.

  -After you hear what I have to say, you won't want to forget tonight, and neither will I. I think it's time to face the truth.

  I poured some champagne into glasses, took a glass, and sat down on the bed, at some distance from him, ready to listen. He took a sip, then continued:

  - I don't even know where to start. First of all, I want you to know that everything you feel for me, I also feel for you. It seemed very strange to me at first. I don't believe in love at first sight, so it was very strange to have feelings for you from the first second I saw you. Then after we were attacked by the Council and I was injured, you healed me…

  -What the ... ? Did I heal you? How? Do I have this power?

  - No, I'll explain right away. You see, I received a gift when I was a child: to find out much faster who my soul mate is. My mother was a nature nymph and my father was an ancient being who could change into a giant dragon. I didn't really inherit anything from my mother, so before she was executed she gave me this gift, saying she didn't want me to be alone in the world for too long. She told me that I would receive some signs to help me find my soul mate, and I followed them. I knew that healing was impossible, especially since I was dying, and when you healed me, it made me wonder. Caty knew about my gift, and she told me you were the one.

  - And I was jealous of her for nothing... Crappy friend I am...

  -Stop talking like that, after all we are still people, just a little more special.

  - Earlier you said something of a very big mistake. What is it about?

  -Yes, I am very ashamed of what I did. Although I knew these things, I was thinking more about the fact that I had to protect the people here. And I thought that if we free our feelings, we would become weaker, we would let our guard down. But tonight proved me otherwise.

  When Caty came to me in a panic telling me that something was wrong with the ritual, I stopped thinking and was ready to risk everything, even if I wasn't sure it would work. When I held your hand I realized that we are actually stronger together. I don't even want to think what would have happened if I continued with my nonsense and didn't help you...

  At that moment he lowered his head. It was clear that he was ashamed and disappointed by what he had done.

  Then, after he explained everything, I understood why he avoided me and I was no longer angry with him. Actually, I wanted to show him that too. So I cupped his face in my hands, lifted his head slightly and kissed him.

  Maybe it was the alcohol that gave me the courage, or maybe I sensed that he wanted it too. I think it was both, though.

  In all this discussion we had emptied our glasses and were a little dizzy, both of us. And in general, when you're dizzy, you do what comes into your head, you don't think about the consequences.

  And apparently there are no exceptions, because the next moment he was on top of me. I was a little afraid, I knew what he wanted, but I didn't want to refuse him either. So I just said to him, "Know that you are the first," and to my surprise, he replied: "And you are the first woman for me.". I mean, I was underage, it was normal not to have had relationships until then, but he was older than me and he was a man.

  I felt special when I heard that. I can't tell you everything that happened that evening, because it would be too intimate. So I'll just say that it was a magical night, the most beautiful I've ever lived, and I'm sure there won't be a night more spectacular than that. Aside from the specific pain, he took very good care of me, and every time I looked into his eyes I was overwhelmed with happiness.

  It was a long night, but by morning he didn't want to leave and slept in bed with me. I slept on his chest, the most sublime feeling in the world. I felt completely invincible, I felt like I could do anything.

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