Chapter 22

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  He didn't even look back at me when he left. He was sitting with his head down, not having the courage to look me in the eyes one more time.

  I was desperately yelling for him to come back and not do this to me, and at the same time Karina took the necklace and teleported us back to Caty.

   I didn't stop crying even when I got back, more than that, I got down on my knees and started crying with all my heart.

  The two tried to hug me, to calm me down, but I started screaming at them:

  - Why didn't you do anything, Karina? Why did you let them take him from me? And you, Caty, you knew this would happen! Why didn't you stop him?

  I was crying and screaming in pain, but the two did not let me go off their arms.

  -Caleb whispered to me to take care of you before you left, I didn't know exactly what was going to happen, Caty said.

  - I also knew what he would do, I tried to convince him, Eva, believe me! But he is very stubborn and insisted that this is what is best for the community. He sacrificed himself for us, for our good, for us to fulfill our purpose.

  -We will bring him back, one way or another, I promise!

  I didn't even hear them. I was destroyed by so much pain, and crying didn't relieve one bit of the pain I was feeling.

  Better I was in his place, better those demons tortured me to death, it still didn't hurt as much as losing him.

  I was upset with everyone, I felt like they were all conspiring to hurt me, and that fueled the bitterness in my heart even more.

  At one point, from too much pain, I think I passed out. I woke up in my bed in the abandoned building, and the last events seemed like a dream.

  Desperate, I got out of bed and ran to Caleb's room, hoping to find him there. The room was empty, but I still had a glimmer of hope that I would find him in the office.

   As I ran I couldn't think of the worst, I was optimistic and thought that when I will see him I will hug him so hard that I will suffocate him.

  I could already feel hot tears running down my cheeks and the hallway seemed longer and longer.

  It all happened in a split second, as the next moment I found myself standing in front of the office door, hesitating.

  Deep down I knew it hadn't been a dream, but I refused to think about it. I plucked up the courage and opened the door, looking around, but he wasn't there.

   Instead, Caty and Karina were sitting on the couch talking. I asked them directly where Caleb was, and they invited me to sit on the couch.

  I agreed, because I already knew the answer within myself, and there was no point in fighting them. I sat down on the sofa next to them and started to cry again, with all my heart:

  -It wasn't a dream, was it? Did he really leave? Dumped me?

  -I'm very sorry, said Karina, but that was his wish. We tried to make him change his mind, but he insisted. He said it was best for the Brotherhood. If he cares enough for this community to sacrifice himself for it, let us not make his sacrifice in vain.

  - I could find another way! I told them, choking on sobs. We could go back and make another plan. Why did he have to leave me? Why?

  -He sat for a long time and thought about what the options were, said Caty. He thought that the plan with the creature might not work and looked for another way. He thought of all the possibilities, but could not find another solution. He knew you were his soulmate and tried to stay away from you, but you already had feelings for him. He became the most precious thing to you from the first moment your souls met. He knew one of you would have to sacrifice himself, and he did it so you could fulfill your prophecy. You are the most special person, that's why you are subjected to the hardest tests.

  - I don't want to be special anymore! If you know any way you can help me get rid of all this, I'm happy to give it up. I can't take this much pain, Caty, I really can't.

  -Darling, now the pain inside you speaks. You can't give up who you are. This is your destiny, you can't change that.

  I wiped the tears from my cheeks, got up and went to my room without another word.

  I wasn't planning on talking to anyone anytime soon. I was so devastated by the pain that I blamed everyone, even myself.

  I started drowning my bitterness in alcohol, but it was much worse.

  I was starting to hallucinate, I was seeing him everywhere I went, in every corner of the room and I was running like a crazy person from one side to the other, hoping that at some point it wouldn't be just a hallucination anymore and I would finally be able to hug him.

   All that agony, endless pain, had destroyed me mentally. The darkest thought had begun to come to my mind, that of killing myself.

  I thought that I would surely end up in hell and that way I would be with him again, forever.

  Unfortunately, I failed miserably each time.

  I tried with sharp objects, I was cured immediately. I aimed at my heart, but I still couldn't leave this world. The knife immediately shot out of my heart, allowing it to heal. I tried to throw myself off the building but ended up lying on the ground in a pool of blood screaming in despair that I couldn't die.

  When Caty heard my screams, she came outside and picked me up from the ground, carrying me back to my room.

  She tried to talk to me, to ask me why I did that, but I couldn't hear anything around me and I didn't want to talk to her.

  My wounds disappeared immediately and I was suffering more and more.

  I wanted to be a victim of a fire but, inexplicably, my body got so cold that I involuntarily extinguished the flames around me.

   After each failure I ended up on my knees crying and cursing the fact that there was nothing I could do to be near my soulmate again.

  Karina and Caty were on the other side of the door every time and when they saw my failures and when they heard my bitter cry, they also cried for my mercy but did not have the courage to enter.

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