Chapter 19

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I was so happy that I dressed in thick clothes in record time and went outside.

I felt very sorry for missing the Christmas, they would have loved that holiday too.

But I told the others that we could celebrate Christmas that day too, so we also had to buy presents.

Some used the magic of Karina and the other three wizards to get gifts, and others made something with their own hands.

I had the opportunity to look around the supermarket and choose something special for everyone. We did all the necessary shopping and headed right back to the Brotherhood as promised.

Karina was busy with the presents, Caleb with the decorations, so I took Caty to cook.

She didn't want to cook because she had never done it before and didn't know how to do it.

I convinced her by telling her that we will both do this and it will be fun, maybe she will really like it.

Meanwhile, two more girls had joined us:

-You have a lot to cook, don't you need help? one of them asked us.

- Oh, of course, please! I exclaimed.

They were familiar with normal people's feasts, they knew what to cook and how to cook it, and that made our work a lot easier.

By ten o'clock in the evening I finished all the preparations. Caty was very exhausted, I could see it clearly, so I suggested that she rest while we prepare the meal.

I threw a big smile at her as she walked over to the great hall table where she sat down to rest her feet.

She poured some alcohol into her glass and did not get up from her chair.

I didn't agree with her going straight to alcohol, but she worked really hard so it was worth it.

One by one, me and the other two girls took the dishes to the table and placed them, along with the cutlery, glasses and drinks.

While I was preparing the table, all our colleagues began to appear, one after another in elegant clothes, the boys in suits with colorful ties and the girls in prom dresses.

They were all so beautiful!

I had been working all day, I wanted everything to be perfect, so I hadn't had time to get dressed, do a little make-up or do my hair.

After I finished setting the table I quickly ran to my room, took a quick shower and put on the most beautiful dress I had, a bright red one, long and with a decent neckline.

Then I stood in front of the mirror, where I put on a little mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick and let my hair down.

I didn't want to wear heels because I found them very uncomfortable, so I got a pair of white sandals, which didn't show against the long dress anyway.

As I was walking downstairs, I caught Caleb staring at me. I was very glad that he liked the way I looked, in the end his opinion mattered most to me.

I also couldn't take my eyes off him. He had really amazed me that evening! I had never seen him so elegant.

He was wearing a red shirt to match my dress and his curly hair was so beautiful that I wanted to play with his hair all day.

And his most precious accessory, his smile. When he smiled, the whole room seemed to light up. That evening I could see him sparkling with happiness, literally.

It was eleven o'clock when we all gathered around the table. It was such a nice atmosphere, we were all like a big family.

Some were eating, others were talking to each other, some of them were telling a joke after which we all laughed, they were having a sip of wine, vodka or even beer.

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