A Knife And A Kill

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[Dunno, just thought of it after playing with my knife]


The firehouse was quiet. The training bay was quiet. Even the privet quarters for the team were quiet.

Blades stood in his room, alone. Nobody was home. Nobody knew what he was doing. He planned it this way, ever since he found the boxes in his closet.

Though, his favorite had to be the box labeled 'Blades's  Memories' written in messy cursive, and topped off with a smiley face. Blades knew who packed the box, even if he didn't remember his childhood that well.

Blades opened up the box, excited to see what was inside. There was plenty of photo albums, filled with moments from Blades's childhood. There was an orange blanket which seemed to be made by hand, a gold crown that was designed just like Optimus Prime's, some drawings, a story book, and...something wrapped in paper.

Out of curiosity, Blades grabbed the thing wrapped in paper and unwrapped it.

It was a knife.

It looked so familiar, so comforting in a way, yet it gave him some sort of flashback.

Screams filled the air miles away, Blades stayed hidden in his spot, knowing a decepticon was nearby.

"Oh Blades~ Come out and play with your father, won't you?" Blades heard his voice, the voice he wished to never hear again.

'No... no.. go away... I don't want you here.." Blades thought, his mind screaming at him as he held on tighter to the special knife Bumblebee had given him.

In a matter of seconds, his father was infront of him. The man's eyes widened in delight, his sinister grin became wider as he tried to grab his son.

"There ya are ya pesky punk! Now come 'ere!" Blades's father tried to grab him again, but a quick stab to the arm stopped him.

Blades pulled out the knife, pinning his dad to the ground and stabing him in the throat. Blades continued to stab him in the side of his head, his eyes, and his chest.

Though, the moment Blades looked up, he saw Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.

"Wait- no- please- I'm sorry I- I didn't mean it- I just-" Blades got off his now dead father, backing away from the royals as he started to cry.

"No no no, Blades, you aren't in trouble. You're okay, he was on the bad side. He was a bad guy, you did a good thing," Optimus ran over, picking up Blades and leading Bumblebee away from the body.

Once they were far enough away, Optimus put Blades down. Blades still held on to the pocket knife, keeping his hold on it tight. Bumblebee ran to him, nearly tackling him, the blood from Blades's father getting on his shirt.

"I-Im sorry Bee..I didn't mean to get the knife dirty.."

"It's okay Blades, you were defending yourself. Like Dad always says, the bird has to leave the nest sometimes."

"Maybe that should be your new nickname, Birdy!" Bumblebee smiled, pulling Blades in for another, tighter hug.

Blades smiled, he remembered how people thought he was a weak, innocent little thing. Blades wasn't like that. He was dangerous, if it weren't for the fact that his father was part of the 'Decepticons' then Blades would have killed an 'innocent' man. Blades had a reason to kill him. He knew what his father did. He went through the pain of his father's actions.

"Blades..? What's wrong?" Heatwave.

"Wh- Heatwave! You- I- uh-"

"Why...do you have a knife..?"

Blades panicked, really panicked. He was seen with the knife, one that was definitely known by the police. One that Chase would definitely know since it was filed in the police reports. The same reports he had full access to.

Heatwave walked further in, Chase, Boulder, and even Bumblebee followed.

That's right. Bumblebee was here. He came to check on the team. He was sent by Optimus.

"Oh fuck..." Everyone froze. Blades just cussed. He full in cussed. The most innocent of the team, the one who is scared of owls in the forest, just cussed.

"Wait wait wait! L-Look, hear me out! I-I just- it's- it's not what it seems!"

"Blades, that is a specially crafted knife, registered in the 1956 Decepticon War section 4 under the death of Torch Heldon. You are holding a weapon that's classified as a murder weapon. What do you mean it isn't what it looks like?"

Bumblebee stepped closer to Blades, turning around and holding his arms out in some sort of defense pose.

"Guys, calm down. He isn't in trouble, my dad saw the murder. Just because Blades killed his dad-"




All three questions came fast, but Bumblebee didn't seem phased. "Yes, he killed Torch Heldon, but my father voided his arrest. It was self defense, and besides, we told him that if any decepticon got near then he had full permission to kill them."

After a few complaints, mainly from Chase, the others finally left Blades's room. All except Bee.

"Thanks Bee, what would I do without you?"

"I dunno Birdy, but you gotta be more careful. Also, Frankie and Cody tripped and have some scratches on their arms and legs."

"WHAT?!" Blades ran out, taking his med kit with him.

"Alright then, mama bird," Bumblebee mumbled before chuckling to himself and leaving the room.

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