Incorrect Quotes

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"Is pink panther a lion?"

"Wh- Bee where did you get that from?"

"Is pink panther a lion."

"Say it again, but slowly."

"Blades. Is. Pink. Panther. A. Lion."

"Bee. Darling. Light of my life. He's a PANTHER."

"I just looked it up. Panthers aren't pink."



"Not yet."

"You fuckin bitch."

"Hey Bee? Can girls be gay?"

"No, they can be lesbian."

"... what's that?"

"Think of being gay but it's a girl's cover."

"Bee I found a child."

"Cool. Did you take it to their parents?"

"No. I brought it with me."

"You- you what?!"

"It was lost!"

"How old is it?!"

"...Cody age."

"Blades. Blades I swear to Optimus if you just picked up Cody-"

"Hi Bee!"

"Blades you're grounded."

"Wh- you can't ground me!"

"You wanna fucking bet?"


"That's what I thought."

I ran out of ideas

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