Chapter 10

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]


[ + ] - Neutral or outside information

[ ] - Government/Military Official

[ # ] - Personnel [ ACC. Code CIV ]

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[ Welcome back all Central American states to the world, let's see if the federation we left behind for them will help moderate and keep the region nice and stable. ]
[ - [ ] Secretary of State - ]

[ 3 Fishing trawlers appear to have scuttled off the coast of Georgia, we are in a state of extreme concern and the Navy is hunting for them right now. ]
[ - [ ] Secretary of Defense- ]

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"The Troubles, Terran Edition"

"When we arrived here, things were rather calm," Edmund recalled, standing within a tent. He was leaning back on a table, which was decorated with various pieces of Command and Control equipment which relayed things to Freedom Star-15 and to the Command in New Roanoke and Syracuse. He was communicating to them what happened when they first arrived.

"The locals were lovely, my soldiers, apart from the ones wounded or that odd case of the ill one, mingled with them, cautious of course, but they mingled regardless, relaxing their minds after all of that fighting in Londinium..."

He chuckles, "Remember catching the lads having a bit too much than they should!" he recalls that situation, the commanders and officers on the other end shaking their heads in some feign amusement. "Gave 'em a stern talking to for that, can't be going drunk in another land like this!"

"Good to hear that you brits are handling the situation rather well," the New Roanoke commander remarked, chuckling, "And how is our esteemed allies? The Victorians?"

"The Victorians?" Edmund looked back out the tent, seeing Bagpipe and Saileach talking to each other. Colonel Hamilton barking orders at some unfortunate VRA officers, and Horn checking in with her own platoon.

Bagpipe noticed him, pausing her conversation with Saileach to give him an energetic and cheery wave, "Ah, they're alright, Colonel Hamilton and his buddy Kelly's off..."

"I see... well, you shouldn't have to worry about it, there's about 3 Freedom Stars with about 2 companies of JSF each above you and the United States Marine Corps is on standby in Columbia."

"That's reassuring," Edmund sighed and grabbed his cap, "Right, I'll be off to town, I got to introduce myself to the people and going to talk with Colonel Hamilton." With a wave, the New Syracuse commander logged off the call, joined by the New Roanoke commander, giving an unreadable smile, and then logging off as well.

Tightly fitting on his cap, he began to walk on out, passing by a mirror to admire the uniform that he had on. Leaning in, he noticed that the hat was ever so slightly off. With a shrug, and a smile, he moved on, exiting the tent.

He heard a noise to his right, "Oi, Charlie, you sure you're just sick?" he questioned the still greenish private who was over a trash bin, heaving and heavily breathing. A few waves and a thumbs up reassured him, a little.

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