Chapter 53

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[ == U.S. Government Intranet == ]

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"The Devils you know..."

"Anybody notice that we've been seeing less of the PLA lately?" asked a Columbian TC. He was hanging out on top of his M1A2C and was playing cards with his Drone Operator who was also cleaning some of her 40mm drones.

"You can say that again doggo," a US Marine nearby was puffing a cigarette and downing a few snacks he got back at Acahualla. They were foiled pieces of meat, and they were delicious.

Right now, they found themselves in a little FOB within an open area of the jungle. There as not uhh for them to work with, just big vines, trees, and galore. They had a few tents set up and around this time, most of the forces were eating.

Tomimi was still on Earth. Apparently at some point her flight was forced to turn around.

Although for now, she's in California. And she's fine with it. She can learn much from Earthlings.

Everything helps, especially if you are borne of Terra.

And so, down here, command was light, and it was getting lighter. The Columbian Union and the Americans have successfully pushed the enemy out of Two Tiles with the use of long range strategic weapons once most civilians were evacuated.

The PLA has been... lacking for the last few days. Their soldiers were distracted.

When Freedom Star-11 broke into their communications, they realized that PLA command was in a frenzy. They were yelling about weather anomalies, missing personnel, and strange phenomena.

They suspected they were talking about the Air Raids, the Special Forces going in, and the Arts that the native Sargonian resistance fighters are utilizing. It was. The only thing that made sense for the. Joint forces that were fighting the invading Chinese.

Although the growing absences was also getting worrying...

"Hey there's that Dutley kid," a marine fled out, seeing the little Hunter sitting by his lonesome. He was tending to his equipment, and every time an American or a Columbian tried to speak with him, he was rather awkward to talk to.

"Yeah him?" A Columbian began, snacking on some crackers, "Heard that he's an Aslan."

"Aslan?" Began a Marine, "That something significant?" The man gulped down what he had before beginning, gently and briefly pointing at the boy.

"Aslans were one of the ruling parties in Victoria," the soldier tried, "A dynasty if you will, full of the Aslan race."

"What happened to them?" The soldier pointed at him.

"Not sure, but word from Union intel says that he was an Aslan, Monte House," he grabs another cracker, "We wonder if they're going to try and reclaim Londinium..."

"Mhmm..." the Marine finishes his MRE, "Might as well try and have a good ol' fashioned college try and chat with the boy." The Marine began to get up.

Dutley still sat silently, putting his blade away.

"Hey kid!" He heard, which prompted him to look up and at the Marine who was approaching.

"Hello..?" He called back, the larger man taking a seat next to him. "What do you... need?" He asked. He was fumbling over his words just a little.

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